
Argumentative Essay On Child Abuse

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”To give a child animal products is a form a child abuse.” Let us put this in perspective. You are a kid in a hard neighborhood. Your mom does not have a job and your dad has one, but loses his often, due to drugs. Probably the dad abused the mom because he kept on losing his job and wanted to let someone else feel his pain with him. The kids would see the violence and learn to always do good in school so they do not end up like their parents. The parents would soon divorce and the dad would probably die from drugs and overdosing, from realizing there is no meaning in life anymore. “The witnessing of violence in the home can have serious effects as traditional child abuse and can endanger the same psychological reactions-the helplessness the fear” (When A Child Kills A Parent, does Abuse Forgive The Act?). These poor kids would grow up in a home where they are scared for their life. Would you want to live like that? At least this little boy took charge: a 3 year old committed parricide on his father, after fatally shooting him after him beating his mother in 1988 (When A Child Kills A Parent, Does Abuse Forgive The Act?). A little boy killed his father, when he only knew him for 3 years of his life. Hearing about kids killing their parents is sad? Well, abuse can cause long-term issues such as depression and sadly, suicide. This kid today probably has depression issues, from his father hurting his mom and him watching it. He could have killed himself for all we know. Another example is this poor girl. The “father” threw oak logs at her, beat her unconscious, handcuffed her to chairs, and sent her sexual valentines (When A Child Kills A Parent, Does Abuse Forgive The Act?). Imagine the guy who helped bring you into this world wanting to date you and kill you at the same time. Here is another sad story. This one is about a girl who saw her mom being abused by her dad. After one day, however, she was fed up with him. “Howard said that they were fighting, Davis grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the upper chest near his neck. The girl, who heard the argument, came into the kitchen, saw her brother bleeding and saw her battered mother, Howard said. She grabbed another knife and stabbed her stepfather in

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