Historically, flags were utilized mainly in warfare. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, flags serve as identifiers of one’s sovereign state, community, organization, armed force, or office. Dance ministries in Black churches tend to use a range of colored flags which all invoke different feelings in worship. The color white in Christianity tends to signify purity, righteousness, and holiness (Gilyard). The largest version of the flag was the standard; because of its size, it was usually stationary and used to “mark the position of an important individual before a battle, during a siege, throughout a ceremony, or at a tournament” (Encyclopædia Britannica). In particular, the white flag is universally accepted as a symbol of truce or surrender. …show more content…
The atmosphere once again became electrically charged as the dancers frantically waved the rippling flags in figure eights around the sanctuary in improvisational worship in an effort to invite the all-powerful, pure and righteous Holy Spirit into the sanctuary. As pictured above, the dancers would hold the flags in the position of a standard, marking the presence of the Holy Spirit in the space. Natalie Curtis Burlin, a white ethnomusicologist, mentions experiencing a similar electric sensation after attending a prayer event: “Minutes passed, long minutes of strange intensity. The mutterings, the ejaculations, grew louder, more dramatic, till suddenly I felt the creative thrill dart through the people like an electric vibration, that same half-audible hum arose—emotion was gathering” (qtd. in Lincoln and Mamiya 348). Many people in the sanctuary swiftly stood to their feet with arms outstretched, waving their hands, shouting, praying, and crying—all in total surrender to the Holy Spirit. Towards the end of the song, as Cobbs sang “We stand in awe of You,” the dancers waved the white silk flags back and forth, reminiscent of a weaker party surrendering to a more powerful force during war—in this case, the powerful force is the Holy Spirit. The Bible says to “raise a standard against the walls of Babylon; make the watch strong; post
The article by Sarrah le Marquand, ‘Apathy wins flag debate’ appears in the tabloid of The Advertiser (February 2, 2013), and online at ‘The Punch: Australia’s best conversation’, under a different title, ‘Flagging This Change is not unAustralian’. This political opinion is to remove the Union Jack from the Australian flag. This is an important topic, as National flag’s construct symbolic meaning, identity and “pride” of country (Fozdar, Spittles & Harlety, 2014, p. 2). As a political writer, Sarrah le Marquand's career has been in the entertainment industry, soap operas, for The Daily Telegraph, for film and as an editor for columnist features’ (News Limited, 2014).
The use of the so called confederate flag isn't really a national flag at all. The commonly used symbol of the south and recently debated symbol has come under fire as racist and as a symbol of white supremecy. In true meaning the flags shown above are all different variations of flags flown by the confederate states during their four year succession from the united States. The battle flag is the one most commonly used as a symbol of southern pride. Many believe the flag portraits proslavery views which it does not. The flags colors stand the same meaning for those on old Glory but the thirteen stars represent the thirteen succeeded states. This flag never flew for slavery but only for the rights of the individuals from 13 states. This flag
The United States is known for being ‘land of the free’, a nation with a Declaration of Independence, as well, as a Constitution protecting the rights of it’s citizens. Wars have been fought and many people have died so we could have the rights that present today. The freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and most importantly the right to petition our government; all of which fall under the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Our nation’s flag is an everlasting symbol of freedom and hope
The confederate flag was used in the civil war where the south separated from the rest of the states. The reason for this was to keep slavery to not loose labor, they also didn't want to treat african american slaves as equals. The flag was used as the most popular symbol for the confederates. We fought our self and lost so many lives for this cause. In the end the north won, the south(confederate) join the u.s once more and slavery was not allowed and was passed as a law.
While some have argued that the flag represents their heritage and southern pride, others feel that it represents racial separation and a very ugly period in this country’s history. The Confederate battle flag is the most recognizable and has become a primary the single
The battle flag was traditionally used to protest the civil rights movement in the 1960s and is thought to be a symbol of racial subjugation. After the Charleston shooting last month, even many long time supporters of the flag felt compelled to acknowledge that it represents racial oppression. Yet thousands of others have rallied together in support of the flag recognizing it as an important symbol in U.S history.
The Confederate flag has been around since 1861, as a symbol of endless war, and detestation towards African Americans. Today, 154 years later, some states still incorporate the confederate flag into their state flags. The Confederate flag does not show progression in history, rather it is offensive to many groups and should be put to rest, because it does not promote unity in America. The Confederate flag holds America back and keeps our country stuck in the past.
How many of you would stand up for your friend who needs help? How many of you would stand up for your country? There shouldn’t be a difference. Our country is as much of a friend as our friends will ever be. This is why we all need to stand up to our nation's bullies, the flag burners, and those who kneel during the National Anthem. Whoever takes part in these actions need to be arrested and put in jail for 3 years.
Obviously flag burning is a fire hazard that can have a very harmful outcome to the environment and all of its surroundings. Another argument that is stated in the E.M.S.A. says “Many materials in clothing can burn” (E.M.S.A). “Consider
Flag Burning can be and usually is a very controversial issue. Many people are offended by the thought of destroying this country's symbol of liberty and freedom. During a political protest during the 1984 Republican Convention, Gregory Lee Johnson was arrested for burning an American flag. Years later in 1989, Johnson got the decision overturned by the United States Supreme Court. In the same year, the state of Texas passed the Flag Protection Act, which prohibited any form of desecration against the American flag. This act provoked many people to protest and burn flags anyway. Two protestors, Shawn Eichman and Mark Haggerty were charged with violating the law and arrested. Both Eichman and Haggerty appealed the
The American flag consists of thirteen horizontal stripes, with seven red stripes alternating among six white. In the upper left corner there is a rectangular blue space that contains fifty white stars. The thirteen stripes symbolize the thirteen original colonies of the United states of America and the stars represent the fifty states of the Union. White is said to symbolize purity and innocence. Red symbolizes strength and courage, and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice. The flag in simple words is a piece of cloth that has meaning. The flag stands for everything in our country’s past.
The issue of flag desecration has been and continues to be a highly controversial issue; on the one side there are those who believe that the flag is a unique symbol for our nation which should be preserved at all costs, while on the other are those who believe that flag burning is a form of free speech and that any legislation designed to prevent this form of expression is contrary to the ideals of the First Amendment to our Constitution. Shawn Eichman, as well as the majority of the United States Supreme Court, is in the latter of these groups. Many citizens believe that the freedom of speech granted to them in the First Amendment means that they can express themselves in any manner they wish as long as their right of
While people have the right to protest and say what they want through words or actions, it is wrong to desecrate one’s country by burning the flag because it is disrespectful to the ones who have fought for the country. Many people are against it including the president, but he can not legally stop them from doing it. It is their constitutional right to protest this way because it is a form of speech and the Framers of the Constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and expression to the citizens of the United States with the First Amendment, which reads, in part, "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech." (“Freedom of Speech”). They're getting their message across by using actions rather than words therefore they can not be told to do other wise according to the first amendment in the constitution (Kopan).
When you see the American flag, what is the first thing that pops into your head? Is it a war? A relative? A political leader? What? For me, I usually think of the Star Spangled Banner. I grew up on a military base in Germany. If the flag were being raised or lowered, you would see soldiers, and even civilians, standing at attention, saluting the flag. In a parade, as the flag was being carried in front by one of the brigades, everyone held his or her hand over his or her heart as the flag passed that person. Even in the theaters, before the movie would start, the Star Spangled Banner would be played while scenes of American flags in battles and peacetime were on the screen and everyone would stand, either at attention or with
The American flag not only stands for pride, freedom, and strength but the colors on the flag have a meaning behind them that all Americans should understand. In a description of the flag on a website dedicated solely to the Flag of the United States of America is states "The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice" (US Flag 2005). The flag was not just thrown together to represent the country but also have a true meaning behind them. The stars and stripes on the flag have both an exact meaning but also have the meaning of