
Genetically Engineering : The Dangers Of Genetic Engineering

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In today’s society, genetically modifying humans is becoming more and more popular. Not only are people choosing to have a baby without deformities, but they are choosing the sex and physical traits. The act of genetically modifying humans from birth is a grave mistake that deliberately violates God’s divine idea of who a person should be in order to carry out His plan through them. Designer baby is a term used to describe babies with certain traits that are carefully selected through In Vitro. Once just a bizarre theory, today people can successfully choose the sex of their child. Currently scientists are able to choose the embryos that are free of certain defects and parents can choose a baby that does not carry on their imperfect traits. Choosing not only the sex, but also the physical traits of the babies, along with their strengths and weaknesses, is not so far-fetched. Genetically engineering humans could pose spiritual, physical, and emotional consequences for the human race. Messing with the genetic makeup of humans and choosing desirable traits is just as controversial as cloning humans. The fear of over stepping delicate boundaries is enough evidence for some people to completely oppose genetic engineering of humans. To interfere with God’s work is both terrifying and immoral. Fearing the Lord is one reason not to disrupt such a serious process. When humans begin to choose physical traits and strengths of a child they are very vulnerable to becoming a society

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