
Argumentative Essay On E-Cigarettes

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Synthetic nicotine in its concentrated liquid form can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. Medical experts say that drinking even a teaspoon of liquid nicotine can kill a small child, and less than a tablespoon may kill a full grown adult. This nasty substance is commonly found in e-cigarette cartridges, which are used to help cigarette users stop smoking. This dangerous liquid contributes to the fact that e-cigarettes can be severely harmful to the body and will not help users to stop smoking. While in some cases these devices have helped others kick the habit of smoking, many scientists suggest that vaping actually leads to smoking real cigarettes. Along with the many health risks and addicting attributes, e-cigarettes are not worth using. …show more content…

But, many studies have proven that vaping may actually lead to smoking real cigarettes. In a survey taken in 2015, 58.8% of those who smoked e-cigarettes also smoked real cigarettes. Research was also published in Journal Tobacco Control saying that teens who use e-cigarettes are most probable to try a real cigarette a year later. Dr. Jonathan Klein of the American Academy of Pediatrics says, “At a time when many claim to be uncertain about the harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and argue for more studies, this data provides strong longitudinal evidence that e-cigarette use leads to smoking, most likely owing to nicotine addiction.” Additionally, in 2012 and 2013, American Cancer Society Tobacco Control Center conducted a survey of 694 e-cigarette users. Most of the people in the survey said they would “definitely not” try a cigarette when offered by a friend. A year later 38% of the e-cigarette users were smoking conventional cigarettes. The addiction is usually caused by the nicotine which is in the e-cigarettes as well as traditional cigarettes. Along with nicotine’s addictive characteristics, it can also be the cause of many health

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