
Argumentative Essay On Electronic Cigarettes

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Smoking, one of America's favorite pastimes, has fallen under constant fire from legislators who are contending that electronic cigarettes are not only as harmful as their non-electric counterparts, but that the former ought to be regulated as tobacco products. The cases made upon either side stand firm, though legislators find themselves splitting hairs defining upon what is and is not a tobacco product, with vaporizers being such intricate pieces of technology, with only portions of which contain nicotine. The case against the vaporizer stands that while they help users of traditional tobacco kick the habit, they leave an addiction to nicotine, fueling the economy of the vaporizer instead of that of big tobacco. While many will denounce …show more content…

Electronic cigarettes being regarded as tobacco products may assist in deferring children and persons under the age of eighteen from trying them. Legislation wants to label vaporizers and their corresponding liquids as tobacco products; while this is rightfully so, the new technology is not as deadly as commonplace tobacco products. Electronic cigarette products do contain nicotine, although the health effects are negligent in line with the rest of common tobacco products. Tobacco products are those in line with cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and pipe tobacco. A News Medical article regards nicotine just as it is derived from the plant it comes from, "Nicotine is a chemical compound that is present in tobacco" (Anaya). Nicotine, being derived from the tobacco plant, may well close the case regarding whether or not it deserves the title as a 'tobacco product'. The stigma regarding a tobacco product revolves not only around the presence of nicotine but also of tobacco products being the cause of death to one-third of users. The sticky stigma of a …show more content…

Purveyors of electric cigarettes may choose a concentration to which they want to intake their nicotine. Most users will choose a concentration of six milligrams to the milliliter, which is slightly less than that of a filtered cigarette. Some users may vaporize nicotine at a whopping 36 milligrams, while others may use three milligrams at a time. The concentration has to to with preference, from person to person. Nicotine may be regarded as a harmful, addictive substance, and its primary role within the usage of such new technology somewhat skews the health effects that would otherwise isolate the usage of the compound. A publication from the US Library of Public Medicine captures the confusion directly, "electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are growing in popularity, but their safety and efficacy as a smoking cessation aid are not well understood" (Crowley). A study performed regarding cessation of electronic cigarettes performed by the National Institute of Public Health pontificated just how much e-cigarette usage would be required to use enough nicotine for one cigarette, "Assuming a high nicotine delivery of 30 micrograms per puff, it would take ≈30 puffs to deliver the 1 mg nicotine typically delivered by smoking a conventional cigarette." (Grana). Electronic cigarettes, no matter how low a

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