
Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Decent Essays

Introduction: For my research project, I decided to explore the controversy of whether people should have the right to die under their own terms. Euthanasia has become a heated topic, and as of today, it is illegal to end a life through medical means except in Washington DC, California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Euthanasia entails a physician administering medication to end one's life. It is illegal in most of the United States and other countries around the world, but recently supporters and activists have been taking a stand. They have been preaching that it is only moral to respect the wishes of a patient who is terminally ill or suffering to have the right to end their life. When researching my topic, I will be including all sides to the argument. Though my prior experiences and research puts me on one side of the argument. I believe that a terminally ill individual has the right to end their life if they are mentally capable of making the decision.
Research Question: Should euthanasia be federally legalized?
Purpose: The purpose of my research is to get people to realize the importance of the issue and give the information needed my readers to come to their own conclusion after all the facts have been laid out. I will strive to show why euthanasia should be legalized, including personal experiences, interviews, and scholarly articles. It would also be necessary for me to include why it is illegal and the reasons for why it is viewed so negatively.

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