
Argumentative Essay On Fine Arts

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Schools that offer fine arts classes have lower dropout rates and raised attendance. The fine arts positively impact students of lower socioeconomic status more those of a higher status. The fine arts have no barriers for race, religion, and culture when it comes to being involved in the arts. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to be involved (Katy Independent School District). Without the arts these students have no outlet for creative capabilities and no way to express their talents. Students who need this way of expressing themselves are overlooked and they are the ones who need it the most (Dickson). When viewing the participation of arts in the eyes of a ten-year old, “It cools kids down after all the other hard stuff they have to think about” (Arts and Smarts: Test Scores and Cognitive Development). The arts engage students who may not be engaged in other classes. The YouthARTS Development Project and the National Endowment for the Arts and the United States Justice Department engaged in at-risk youth in art programs showed that the participants had an increased ability to work with others and were able to finish tasks, had better attitudes towards school, had fewer court referrals, and had an improved self-esteem (Arts and Smarts: Test Scores and Cognitive Development). The schools who cut their art programs first are those who are struggling to meet demands of academic curriculums. Many of the schools who cut or reduced their art programs were schools that

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