
Argumentative Essay On Metal Music

Decent Essays

Metal music: Noise pollution of today Metal music is a genre of rock music that developed in the late sixties and early seventies. It is characterized by its loud distorted guitars, dense bass and drum sound and vigorous vocals. Because of its different and a bit aggressive sound, metal music is not everyone's cup of tea. Sadly, metal community is often faced with a lot of stereotypical opinions. The most widespread stereotypical opinion is that all metal songs are about the devil and hell. One more stereotypical opinion is that all metal songs are just pointless screaming. All these stereotypes are wrong because metal music has a very wide range of lyrical themes and, next to usual loud songs, there are also some very nice and emotional ballads. Only problem with metal music is the fact that this kind of music is often associated with drugs, alcohol and violence. It is true that some metal fans consume drugs and alcohol, but that does not mean that all fans of metal music should be categorized as drug addicts and alcoholics because those people’s addiction is a result of their bad choices and it has nothing to do with the music they listen to. Talking about violence is pointless because if you compare a metal concert with a football game you will see that metal fans …show more content…

Everyone is happy to see you no matter what is your skin color, religion or age. That is very nice and it shows that metal fans are actually very nice people. Another good thing about metal music is the fact that it is a source of energy, relaxation, comfort and inspiration. Last but not the least important thing is the research that shows that there is a strong link between heavy metal and high intelligence. That research proves that metal music has meaning and that it is not just some random

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