
Argumentative Essay On Metal Music

Decent Essays

One of the most controversial rock artists of all time once said to Larry King in an interview “I have been blamed for 36 school shootings...” (Manson). Marilyn Manson said this bizarre statement. This is just one example of some of the controversy that metal music and rock music attract. Due to the fact that metal music gets all of this controversy, it doesn’t gain as respect as it should. Just because a lot of people like to bring up the flaws in society does not mean that people should act differently around it when they bring up these so called flaws. Metal music deserves respect because they talk about the relativity ideas of the society today. First of all metal music is defined as a “genre of rock music that includes a group of related …show more content…

For example when parents listen to metal for the first time they say “Why is there so much hate in the lyrics?” The easiest way to explain it to them is that it is their way of getting their own point across to their fans and the politicians. Back when metal was created, the artists made the music to get their audience to listen to the truth about what the government was doing to the people and society. As an example of a controversial topic that was put in a song was by Marilyn Manson and it is titled “Get your Gunn.” This song was about how easy it was for trouble minded teenagers to get a gun and also how once he or she had that gun, he or she would go and shoot people. But this backfired on Manson because some teenagers saw this as an opportunity to get away with these shootings. Another example of controversial topics being put into songs is also by Manson, the song was about metal lunch boxes. Kids were using these lunchboxes to beat up the bullies and kids in their school. Schools banned these lunchboxes from the lunch room. So Manson created a song to get society to listen to the real story behind the metal lunchboxes and how the lunch boxes were just how kids expressed themselves. This example may seem like a positive way to get the point across to his audience. But many other positives can come out of metal music in

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