
Argumentative Essay On Obesity

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Obesity Two thirds of American adults are obese or overweight. Obesity is a silent killer that is taking over the United States slowly but surely. People do not typically realize how serious obesity is and it gets joked about, humiliating those who are affected. Obesity is not a joke, it is a disease that is killing everyone’s family, friends and neighbors. Obesity alone is detrimental to the health of an individual, it causes many adverse effects to the body that are often difficult to repair or cure. “Overweight doesn’t mean obese, overweight is an excess amount of body weight including muscle, bone, water and tissues. Where as obesity is having excess fat only.” (Understanding Adult Obesity 1) Obesity rates are continually climbing in America every day, making it increasingly important to understand how to control it. The combination of overeating and not exercising is becoming a normality in this day and age. “We have inherited our genetic makeup from our ancestors, hunters and gatherers who ate diets rich in low-fat meats and grains, who had to stalk and capture the entree for dinner. During times of feast, their bodies were designed to store nutrients as adipose tissue to be used for fuel to survive periods of famine. We are descended from these survivors, and we share this ability to store fat when food is in overabundance. However, famine in the United States are fewer and farther between nowadays, so this added fat is not used up and continues to accumulate

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