
Argumentative Essay On Racism

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Growing up in a small town that consists of almost 90 percent of the same race, you don’t take into consideration the social diversity that goes on in the world around you. So, growing up in a family of white, I never really knew what it was like to truly see color. Color isn’t always vibrant and beautiful, sometimes it ugly, and I learned this the hard way. Racism is a word that we hear every day; whether it’s on the news, the internet, or even television shows, it’s literally all around us. Just because we hear the word, doesn’t mean we fully comprehend the significance of the meaning. Racism, by definition, is the practice of discriminating against people based on their race, national or ethnic background. Now knowing the definition of …show more content…

You cannot judge one person on the actions of another. We must adapt to accepting each other, regardless of how “different” everyone may seem. I’ve never been oblivious to our history, I knew that slavery existed and that the world we live in is a cruel place, but I also knew that I was a privileged white girl. I had heard the stories, I knew who Rosa Parks was and I knew Martin Luther King had a dream, I understood all of it. But this time, I wasn’t just another student reading in my history text book of a situation that I would never have to be in. Rather, I was an eighteen-year-old white girl who fell in love with a black guy. My boyfriend is of the mixed ethnicity; he is Caucasian, African-American, and Hawaiian. Compared to me, he has a darker complexion and is clearly not fully Caucasian. To me, this never matter, but I didn’t realize how much it mattered to other people. We were in Tyler County, for the local fair, when Troy went to go get some food. I sat down beside some woman, while I waited for him to return. When he approached me, the woman grasped her purse and immediately pulled it against her chest, as if he was going to steal it. I didn’t think much of it at first, but the more the day continued the more

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