
Argumentative Essay On Veganism

Good Essays

Madison Cobb
The Truth behind animal products
Veganism is the best way to live because it is the healthiest option for both humans and the environment in general. 1944 is when the term vegan was first defined, by a man named Donald Watson. “Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude as far as is possible, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any purpose.” (“Definition of Veganism.” The Vegan Society) Therefore, technically veganism is not banning oneself from being labeled as a vegan if one does accidentally consume animal byproducts, it just means to cut it out as most as possible and as ethically as possible. Also, with veganism one cannot or should not purchase any tickets to see exploitation …show more content…

She has two kids and has drastically lost weight since going vegan. The main reason why she went vegan in the first place was because of the way that animals are treated. One of the people who really helped her become vegan was a movie star who goes by Alicia Silverstone. Veganism is just taking over the world person by person. One day everyone eats meat and the next, they realize that it is bad and not a necessity and they move to eating a very high whole plant diet. Mrs. Angela Dake is a teacher at Topeka High School and she is not a vegan, she eats meat and loves it. She tested vegetarianism for a little while when she was really young, but it obviously did not stick with her lifestyle because she felt as though it was too expensive while being a college student. Angela Dake believes that animals live on the planet for us to have them. She thinks that there is no harm to the planet by mass breeding and killing these animals. Is it ethical to kill plants? Plants cannot feel pain because they lack a nervous system; animals however, do have a nervous system and therefore can feel pain. Cows for instance are locked up in tiny cages for days to where they can not move much at all. They are beaten to the ground if they try to escape and they are tagged(usually on the ear). How does that sound? Does that sound ethical? Why can humans act so harsh to cows, pigs and birds but be so friendly to a man's best friend

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