
Argumentative Essay Quotes

Decent Essays

Cabute, Jeanette Anne H.
1. “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” –Maria Robinson
Explanation: Our lives are full of ups and downs. Often we get so caught up with the downs in our lives that we fall into depression. We feel that everything in life is falling apart. You regret the choices you’ve made in the past and feel that you have failed in life. Understand that you cannot go back in time and undo choices you’ve made but that you can stop yourself from repeating the past by making smarter decisions so that you can have a better future.
Reaction: Yes, our life is full of up and downs. We also cannot change the past, but we can make better things or choices …show more content…

“Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself” –John Dewey
Explanation: quote about how life is the journey and not just the destination. You get an education to prepare yourself for your career, etc. and while you are getting your education you are living your life.
Reaction: This quote means so much to me because it reminds me that a job and success are great, but knowledge and education are so much more important. Life is constantly growing and learning. A good and educated one can help her/his parents or the society.
3. “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” –Albert …show more content…

If we try new things we’re going to make a few mistakes but we are learning from that mistake. If you don't make any mistakes, you're in a rut and not trying anything new. Mistakes are part of our lives, we cannot change it, and we just have to take the risk. Nothing is impossible if we try new things and nothing will lose if you try right.
4. “The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.” –Blaise Pascal
Explanation: The heart, the organ capable of storing love can also reason. Its reasoning makes all the sense in the world to the heart and to the heart’s owner when the owner first hears it. It’s the reasoning that makes you fall in love at first sight. It’s the reasoning that somehow makes it so hard to let somebody go even though you have no logical reason to want that person to stay.
Reaction: The quote means that you have to listen to your heart. Just like in love, you just only knew that you love that person but you don’t know why. We fall in love in a mutual weirdness and called it love.
5. “When love is not madness it is not love.” –Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Explanation: The actual quote is when love is not madness, it is not love, and it is by Pedro Calderon. Love in its self is madness. Love brings to life so many different emotions that it is like a chaos in your

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