
Argumentative Essay: Should Standardized Tests Change?

Decent Essays

Should Standardized Tests Change?
Every year students all over the united states endure the pain that is standardized tests. Tests such as ISTEP as issues each year for students in grade three to eight. And every year strikes up controversy on this topic because it affects the majority of people (students, parents, and administrators). There are people that say that the tests are useful and accurate. Then others that say that the whole system is corrupt and needs to be taken down. Although there is evidence on both sides, the side that seems to be more accurate is the opposing side. The system isn’t doing its job correctly and needs to be change.
Standardized testing does not accurately assess the intelligence of a person taking the test. One’s intelligence is not determined on how good of a test taker they are. And to insinuate that it is ridiculous and incorrect. Intelligence is the combination of knowledge on a subject and the application of that knowledge. Tests can only show so much that a student has to offer. There are points within a school year that are more difficult than others. In Indiana it could be debated that ISTEP is put in the most tedious part of the year. It is in the part of the year where the end of the school year is nearing, but students still need to work as hard as they previously were. Another …show more content…

One argument that is common is that the scores have been proven to be accurate for the most part. Even if this is true there are reasons that they seem to work out the way they do. Once people have placed a label on someone, the label can shape the way that the student tries during the school year. People who have been placed in higher classes are expected to uphold those standards. When they don’t meet the criteria they get scolded. So when a student with average intellectual capabilities is told they are average the student will most likely not excel any

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