
Argumentative Essay: The Problem With Immigration

Decent Essays

The Problem with Immigration
My darling mother has raised me with politics, and always makes sure I’m kept up to date with current matters. Out of many controversies I’ve always been interested in immigration. All of our ancestors have came to our country, unless your ancestry is from a native American tribe, from another country. People say that since we came here as immigrants we should give others the same opportunity, which I have no comment on, but I believe that there are multiple problems that we have that involves immigration. The two largest problems have to do with amnesty and what illegal immigration is actually doing to our country. People believe that the borders are one of the largest problems facing our country but are they really?
There are 11.3 million illegal immigrants according to a 2014 poll from the P.E.W Research Center. Six states make up 60% of these illegal immigrants; California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. Only …show more content…

This bill makes it so that over 1.7 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money goes to helping give amnesty to five million illegal immigrants. Obama is using the Earned Income Tax Credit program, which was designed to subsidize low-wage employment in the United States. Think of it as a refund in taxes after paying too much. Being considered unconstitutional and unlawful, the bill was suppose to have never of went into motion which is why Obama passed it as a executive order. Ironic that Obama doesn’t see it as unconstitutional since he was a constitutional lawyer before he was a senator and president. Federal judges have issued an order for every amnesty permit to be returned. National security agents even have been ordered to go door to door. Obama is still fighting for this bill in court, he is still having thousands of amnesty permits sent out. Instead of focusing his energy on real threats such as

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