
Argumentative Essay: The Right To Bear Arms

Decent Essays

Being raised in a family of hunters, I have spent my fair share of time around, and using guns. I truly believe that if proper safe handling is taught, and people learn to respect them, that there should not be the issues that we have today. I think that there does in fact need to be laws to protect people, as well as to allow people to own guns. If these laws are properly enforced there should be a decrease in deaths both accidental and on purpose. I do not want to lose my right to bear arms, I think that is a freedom we deserve to keep. But I would also like to see things safer, with less fear of guns being in the wrong hands.

One of the main reasons why people should have background checks when they purchase a gun is, the NICS Improvement Amendment Act of 2007. It keeps the mentally ill from purchasing a firearm when they are not safe to own them. This is important because it keeps the mentally ill from harming or killing other people, or themselves. NICS is available for 17 hours daily, seven days a week including holidays, which makes it easier for the checks to be done in a timely fashion. …show more content…

Some of the different laws in effect today are the Handgun Violence Protection Act of 1993, The Unsafe Handgun Act, which helps to keep junk guns off the market. If the US doesn’t do something to change the current gun laws, then they could lose about $3.7 Billion.

Gun safety laws have helped to reduce the deaths by firearms.

Another reason is that background checks will identify who can purchase a firearm. It keeps ex convicts from getting firearms under probation. It also keeps from kids buying guns illegally. It helps decrease the chances of people getting killed in shootings like at the Sandy Hook Elementary school. After the Sandy Hook ELementary shooting, there was 99 more laws in 37

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