
Arguments Against Active Euthanasia

Decent Essays

The act of withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatment from terminally ill and suffering patients versus killing such a patient is widely accepted by majority of the medical profession. The above-mentioned obstructs the killing of a terminally ill and suffering patient recognized as active euthanasia. Nonetheless, in many cases they already exercising the act of withdrawing or withholding life-sustaining treatment also known as passive euthanasia. We can dispute the fact that passive euthanasia can be justified while active euthanasia cannot in a number of two ways. The initial way relies on the perception that killing someone is morally worse than letting him or her die.
It is widely disagreed upon that, a doctor who kills a patient …show more content…

Both will inherit a large sum of money of their 6-year-old cousin dies. Smith drowns his cousin in the bathtub and then makes it look like an accident. Smith walks in just as his cousin falls face first down in the water, now he has no need to drown his cousin. If we perceive Smith and Jones actions to be morally culpable then we should equally see no moral difference between the behaviors of a doctor implementing active euthanasia and a doctor implementing passive euthanasia .
When doctors believe they are working in the patients’ best interests and the same outcome is the patient’s death. I do not believe the approach used to make any disparity to the morality of euthanasia. A doctor who ends a course of treatment because it is not thought to be in the patient’s best interests and anticipates the patient will die because of this, does not propose his/her patient’s death. However, the doctor terminates treatment aware that the patient will die.
In this case the doctor has made an educated verdict that this is the better course of action. The doctor who knows this, and nonetheless stops treatment has expedited the death of the patient proportionate to the doctor administering a lethal injection. It is irrational to separate the choice to stop treatment from the awareness that a patient will die when it is

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