
Arguments Against Free Will

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The concept of free will is certainly a reassuring proposition, yet despite it being comforting to believe that humans have the ability to act outside of external influences, the evidence suggests otherwise. Determinism, the principle that all events are determined by causes that are independent of one’s will, is a valid position supported by a myriad of information in various fields of study. The scientific evidence is overwhelming, and demonstrates that our choices in life are determined by our heredity, environment, and the fact that all things have a cause; therefore, we cannot be held responsible for our decisions, and we cannot justify punishing people for something they cannot control. Although it may appear that the choices humans make are freely made, a closer inspection indicates that genetics play a considerable role in the decisions humans make. For instance, if a mother is depressed because of a genetic predisposition to have lower levels of serotonin, she may often neglect the needs of her children due to her constant inner struggles. Also, if an alcoholic who often abuses his wife while drunk was born with an addictive personality, his seemingly apparent choice to continue …show more content…

Despite the fact that the pilots who flew the planes into the Twin Towers committed an atrocious crime, it is imperative to recall the extremely religious environment in which they were brought up. Not only did these people not choose to be born into such extremist households, they also believed what they were doing was right. In a similar fashion, Nazi soldiers may have believed it was morally correct to send Jews to extermination camps because they were raised in Anti-Semitic environments. In either case, punishing either soldier or terrorist would be erroneous, since they did not choose to be indoctrinated with such terrible

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