
Arguments Against Peds

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PED’s, ever heard of them? Ever used them? No? Good, keep it that way. PED’s is also known as performance enhancing drugs. Lately throughout the world and news these swindle drugs has started a huge controversy over if they are a use for a positive advantage or for cheating. Let me tell you, these drugs will ruin your future and chance of being a good role model. PED’s should be classified as a form of cheating if used in any type of competition. The drugs should also stay illegal throughout the United States. Also, they can be very harmful to the human body and can cause many health risks. My first reason why PED’s are a destructive but also appealing drug is because athletes who use PED’s should be labeled as ‘cheaters’. Any sportsperson …show more content…

According to sociologists PED’s specifically improve your aggression/competitiveness towards the race or game. It also intensifies muscle growth and endurance. Most of the drugs that athletes use are stimulants which are; amphetamines and ephedrine. Other common narcotics are anabolic steroids, phototropism, and erythromycin. Athletes who do utilize these substances have a lot higher chance of winning compared to the sportsmen who don’t use them. Athletes who choose not to damage their body with drugs will have a higher chance of losing which I personally like to call cheating. An example of someone using these narcotics is Lance Armstrong. Armstrong was an extraordinary cyclist who won over 7 tour de France titles but a few blood tests later he came back positive for using PED’s. Armstrong was then stripped from his 7 impressive titles. Some people might argue that athletes don’t win success on their own, they always have a little help whether it's; …show more content…

According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), also the organization that creates the rules for the Olympic games involving drugs, has banned the use of PED’s because many people have abused it/used it to their own advantage for competitions. The international conference of government and sports condemned the use of PED’s and if an athlete is found making a use of these substances their sport career will resolve into a 2 year suspension, because it is a form of illegal substance. Which it could result into issues with the law. A new rule is coming upon the the Olympic games and professional sports teams that players/athletes are going to be needed blood test monthly to prevent

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