Most kids might not ever believe that parents don't like test either.Some parents do not like standardized testing, they think that it is to much.The argument between standardized testing is getting hot.Some parents think that we should have standardized testing,but i personally think that we do need testing because the district needs to know if we are learning what we need to be learning or if we are learning anything at all,also to depict if we move on to our next grade also for us to know what we are learning ourselves. To start off,I believe we need standardized testing because the district needs to know if we are learning what we are supposed to be or learning anything at all.the district deserves to know what we are learning,the district
When people think of the education system, most can say that there are some problems, though they might not be able to pinpoint what needs to change first. If you ask most teachers, they will say that the first thing that needs to be changed in the schooling system to help the students more is the standardized testing. They will say that while it can be helpful it has a lot of faults and needs to be updated or changed to help its students. Standardized testing has often been a topic for discussion, between parents and people in the schooling system. It seems that a lot of people either hate standardized testing for not giving every child a chance to succeed, or love it for being a fair way to test whether a child knows what they need to know at their age. There have been many articles, books, and documentary’s debating on whether or not standardized testing is doing more harm then good. There was a comic made that shows the brutality and bluntness of what standardized testing is really like. Standardized Testing causes too much stress by putting unfair expectations on teens and doesn’t give every single student the chance to succeed.
Don’t all students hate standardized tests. They waste lots of time and don’t influence your grade so then what’s the point of them. I think that students shouldn’t take standardized tests. First of all students take the test in May and don’t get the results until September so the test doesn’t do much. Lots of teachers also only teach to the test meaning they only prepare them to pass the test. Students might know the content but because of test anxiety they might not be able to show it on the test.
In various ways, standardized test are beneficial from tracking students’ progress over the years to not allowing teachers emotions to get in the way of the testing process. Standardized testing sets expectations high for students and it does hold them accountable for the same standards, which may lead to achievement gains. By looking at the students’ performance they will be able to determine how well they retain information. Also the school is able to learn what their students are able to do and what they cannot do compared to other school districts, so they would be able to improve their education system. When giving more personal assessments, it is very possible “that the teacher or person assessing the student can let their emotions or biases affect how they score that student” (Young). In most cases, standardized tests are objective. There are wrong or right answers, and there is no room for feelings or emotions. Standardized testing gives teachers guidance to help them determine what to teach students and when to teach it. Tests are highly accountable and reliable as they judge the candidates on a common platform across states and nations. Standardized testing is “a simplified way of timeline management” (A Look at the Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing). Standardized testing gives parents a good idea of how their children are doing as compared to students across the country and
“There is something deeply hypocritical in a society that holds an inner-city child only eight years old "accountable" for her performance on a high-stakes standardized exam but does not hold the high officials of our government accountable for robbing her of what they gave their own kids six or seven years before,” quote Jonathan Kozol. As this quote apptly states many children are often robbed of simple childhood pleasures by standardized testing. These strenuous tests should be cut back to the absolute minimum. Standardized tests should not be required because they provide unnecessary stress, are often inaccurate because of computer and human error, and some students, particularly minorities, are at a clear disadvantage.
Would you like to take a test that is unfair, expensive, and unreliable? Chances are you already have. Standardized testing in schools is not only bad for the students, but also bad for our country’s future. Some might think standardized testing is a good thing, because it is the only way to measure all students the same across the country. However, this thought is wrong for many reasons.
In the world today standardized testing is mandatory in all schools whether they are public or private. If schools continue to make these test mandatory, students grades will show the reflection of what they are not learning. The school might also receive less state funding due to poor performance on these tests. Once No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was introduced US students slipped from 18th in the world in math in 2000 to 31st in 2009 (Standardized). Standardized testing is not beneficial overall because it does not cater to all students, they do not cover real-life topics, and they are detrimental to students.
Overall, my thesis is superior to these opposing sources as it lacks logical fallacies. While these sources made good points, they contained sweeping generalizations, hasty conclusions, circular reasoning, and other logical fallacies that nullify the validity of their arguments.
Many students throughout the American education system struggle due to the fact that they have to take a standardized test. But, this struggle differs for each student, some are too lazy to take them while others are having difficulty performing well on these tests. As a student who learned English as a second language, I could relate with the people who are having trouble performing well on standardized tests. When I was in high school there was nothing more frightening than Standardized tests. There was a lot of emphasize on these tests and they had the power to determine my future in the means of deciding which colleges I could attend. But, I wasn’t alone in this matter, not all students perform to their potential on Standardized tests. No matter how hard I tried to study for these tests, I was just not doing as well as my class mates. It made me feel like I was beneath all my other class mates and I thought they were intellectually superior. But, I met other like me who were not good at taking test and didn’t perform well on these
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein, a German-born physicist. This quote is referring perfectly to standardized testing by saying something along the lines of, you can’t judge a student’s ability to perform well in school by giving him/her a standardized test. Standardized testing is wrong just because not all students can perform well on a test, including myself. Administration often want to take the easiest way out to collect the data they need to place students in classes instead placing them according to something else; or in such way that is fair to all students. Education is a big part of our nation today with one of the biggest components being standardized testing, which does not accurately measure full capabilities of students from elementary on up to the high school level.
I agree that standardized testing is fair, because it is the only way of knowing what students are learning. I believe that standardized testing is the best way of knowing if students across the country are learning what is being taught to them, and how they are being taught. If, everywhere else, students are achieving at a certain level, and in one area they are not performing as well as the others, then it allows us to look at what needs to be corrected in that area.
I believe that America should cut standardized test funding by half, and furthermore decrease the number of tests the average student takes. Every generation is different, and the way they are taught is different to the point where not one thing is the same in any way. Before the 1900’s there were no standardized tests, but then by World War I standardized testing became standard for every student (Blasi, 2005). In the span of 50 years, multiple generations were born and they were raised on the seemingly new idea of standardized testing. These generations included veterans, slaves, and people who fought other Americans from different belief systems, so people can understand the skepticism I may have when I ask, was it right to implement
The first reason why standardized testing should not be implemented in the education system is because it limits the students learning capabilities. Standardized testing can not measure creativity, effort, imagination, and many more merit qualities. American schooling has focused on only teaching to the test and emphasizes on three main subjects: math, reading, and science. In addition, teachers put too much urgency on the importance of getting a certain score which diminishes the students interest in learning. Even though, standardized testing gives teachers a direction to
I do not agree with the country providing our schools with “Standardized Test”. A reason is that “The United States students went from being ranked 18th in the world for math in the year 2000 to 27th in the year of 2012” , that means either as the years went on either the students put in less effort or the test began to get harder and I agree with them getting harder. Also Standardized Test use taxpayers money and some students fail which cause them to drop out and they wasted money in that way. “Using test scores to reward and punish teachers and schools encourages them to cheat the system for their own gain.” , this isn’t fair for the teachers because some students simply don’t care if they pass or fail and teachers shouldn’t be affected by that. Standardized Test should be taken out of schools because ‘the system uses the test to reward and punish teachers and schools encourages them to cheat the system for their own gain’.
Imagine yourself stuck in a room, sitting at a desk. On that desk is a test booklet labeled “Standard Test,” with no other writing. It’s a 100 question test trying to wring every last bit of information you can remember from the past year. It’s very stressful, and frankly, very useless. Standardized tests have only proved to be useful for cramming knowledge into children's heads, and education is something more. Standardized tests are simply useless for proving what education is truly about.
As a teacher, I believe standardized testing in the classroom is good for the students, parents, and teachers. Standardized testing allows the students to use the skills they have been taught, recall information, use higher order thinking (based upon the setup of the test), and allows them to see areas they may be weak at. For the parents, standardized test, (when results are sent home) allows them to see how their child is doing with the content that they are being taught and an idea of how their grades will be. For the teacher, standardized test gives feedback on the teacher’s instructions and activities for the content area. It helps the teacher identify students to group together. It also helps provide data for students’ performance in