Since Aria was cooperative, avoided getting distracted, and stayed on task she seems to be under the the resilient category of personality (10). Other examples that she fit into this category includes the fact that she was able to adapt effectively to changes in her environment and she did not get upset when mild stress occurred. Examples of stress would be if she was instructed to hurry up on a task. Almost 7: As Aria grew, I believe she was adapting well in social situations. She worked cooperatively in groups, respects rights and possessions of others, and demonstrated appropriate interactions within her peer group. This means she constructs friendships in terms of sharing toys and playing with others, she might be involved in rough-and-tumble
In the movie “Antwone Fisher” it’s clear that Antwone presents with several overlapping disorders, Post-traumatic Disorder, generalized anxiety disorders and depression. He suffered psychological, verbal, physical and sexual abuse early in his childhood. Deprived of several psychological developmental stages, trust vs mistrust (oral), autonomy vs shame and doubt (anal), initiative vs guilt (phallic), industry vs inferiority (latency), intimacy vs isolation (genital), as a young child was the cause of his neurodevelopmental disorders. Throughout his childhood Antwone adopted a vast number of defense mechanisms ego defense mechanisms to cope with his disorders specifically anxiety disorder. Several therapies are used to assist is in recover person-centered
They are solitary creatures who remain submerged for most of their time at sea making difficult to study their behavioural tendencies.
I observed Harper, a 23 month old little girl that is full of energy. Also participating in the interaction with Harper was her mother and five year old sister, Mya. Harper is very friendly and outgoing. She is very interested “reading books” and loves to be read to. She enjoys helping her mother clean and do simple tasks. She seems to be very confident with and without her mother in her sight. Harper’s father is not actively involved in her life because he lives in another state.
Social and Emotional Development: Developing sense of own identity and wanting to do things for their selves, demanding of adults attention and being jealous of adults attention being shred, reluctant to share play things, acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to burst of emotion tantrums, enjoys playing with adults or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods of time.
At eight months of age my child was “easy” child in terms of Thomas and Chess’s classic temperamental categories. Instead of Ashley always wanting to play with toys or objects, she preferred people. Ashley does not mind meeting new people. By my child wanting to crawl around and explore new places, I decided to let her play freely. Even when my child was sick and at the pediatrician’s Ashley smiled to them, as well as the amount of vocalization used.
I noticed each time that I observed Addie she wanted to do art first, you can tell it is her favorite. She always took her time during these art projects and was very enthusiastic when creating them. Another personality trait I noticed was that she is not a follower but a leader. She always did what she wanted to do and never changed stations when her friends did. Addie was so happy with her painting, filling up the entire canvas that she said to the teacher “we are almost done come see.” Addie spent the most time at the art station and held the longest attention span out of the three children I observed. She never moved back and forth between different activities during short periods of time. I did notice Addie wanted the attention from the
Localization is ability to tell what part of the body is affected by any sensation.
Lawrence fiddled with a toy while listening to the radio. After the broadcast was over, he softly mumbled something, though he generally kept to himself. I listened closely since his autism typically prevented Lawrence from stringing even two words together. He had recited the entire radio program, virtually word for word, even mimicking the tone of the broadcaster's voice. My jaw dropped. At that moment I knew that I wanted to learn more about Lawrence’s autism condition so that I could help him grow, but I also hoped to dedicate myself to studying the brain both from a physiological and psychological standpoint.
It just may happen to be true that the greatest threats to the safety of young adolescents is young adolescents themselves or perhaps even society’s way of dealing with adolescents. At any age throughout the psychological development of the brain, the thought process is bound to be affected by environmental factors which later appear in manifestations attributed singularly to young adolescents such as binge drinking and higher mobile vehicle fatalities. In teenagers an important environmental factor often dictating their behavior is one simple somewhat expected part of life that modifies their behavior when compared to other age groups: peers. An individual at any age shows the same level of irrationality despite preconceived notions that teenagers and young adults have a higher propensity for such risky behavior. This
Lorraine Hansberry once said “It’s simple. You read books--to learn facts--to get good grades--to pass the course--to get a degree. It has nothing to do with thoughts.” Of course it as to do with thoughts, but there’s more meaning behind this quote that may seem a little off to others who don’t study in the depths of psychology. Psychology is the study of the overall human brain and mind. There are many types of Psychology, but this quote relates to Behavioral Psychology which is studying observable behaviors rather than mental processes. Furthermore, the father of behaviorism, or B.F. Skinner, looked into operant conditioning. That is, operant conditioning is the process by which people make responses because they have
It seemed like she liked playing with others more than just playing by herself. When the little boy came over to knock the blocks over she started laughing, because she thought it was so funny. Also, when she was in her crib after she got in trouble, and the child approached her again to play she quickly stopped crying and began to play with him. Even when she was walking with the walker she wanted someone to play with her and when she started “chasing” the other child with the walker she laughed again. This shows me that she is very social and plays well with
1. What are the feline distance increasing postures? Describe defensive aggression and offensive aggression in dogs.
In Psychology 101, you learn about a personal fable; something that I have not lost. I have always wanted to change the world that I was destined for greatness and teaching elementary school students gives me that power. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
I decided to attend this event for two reasons: the first reason was to attend an extra credit even regarding my psychology class and the other because I believed this event would be a great opportunity to use the event for an AFAM forum. I was able to listen to the Q and A session with some of the members of the “Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) who were on the panel. The head host and president of the association is Dr. Keajaunis Malena and explained in the beginning of the event the mission of ABPsi. He “sees its mission and destiny as the liberation of the African Mind, empowerment of the African Character, and enlivenment and illumination of the African Spirit”. As a psychology major, I found this event and the organization very
Aria is a kind person. She cares for each and every one of her friends. An example is when she provides food for me and others. I remember in kindergarten when she brought me a slice of pizza for lunch. More specifically, a tomato-basil slice of pizza. Anyways, I remember feeling strange and weird as this had never happened to me. Before this, I had never gotten food, or any item, from anyone. It was a new experience. Another example is that Aria puts her peers before herself. A couple weeks ago, we were playing Volleyball. Aria would set up her peers for spikes, a move that is hard to accomplish in this sport. Usually, people only care about themselves, and only ask people to set them up. Aria could easily become one of