
Examples Of Aristotelian Appeals

Decent Essays

Aristotelian Appeals: Ethos: Convincing an audience of the credibility of the author or of a character. Pathos: To persuade an audience through appealing to their emotions. Logos: Convincing and audience through logic or reasoning. Rhetorical Fallacies: Emotional: Sentimental Appeals: Use of emotion to distract audience from the facts Red Herrings: Use of unrelated evidence to support a conclusion Scare Tactics: Frighten people into agreeing Bandwagon Appeals: Encourages audience to agree with a statement because everyone else does Slippery Slope: Suggesting one thing will cause another to happen Either/Or Choices: Give complex issues only two possible answers False Need: Create unnecessary desire Ethical: False Authority: Has audience agree with someone based off their authority even if they are not qualified Using Authority Instead of Evidence: When personal authority is offered as proof Guilt by Association: Character is called into question because of one’s associates Dogmatism: Writer’s belief becomes only acceptable one as discussion is shut down Moral Equivalence: Comparing minor and serious problems as the same Ad Hominem: Arguments attacking character and not reasoning Strawperson: Set up arguments that dismantle other refutable arguments Logical: Hasty Generalizations: Conclusions drawn from little evidence Faulty Casualty: Confuse chronology with cause of events Non Sequitor: A statement that logically has no relation to the

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