
Aristotle And Aristotle's Theory Of The Constitution

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In general, the constitution is the fundamental law in the legal system of the country. The constitution defines the basis system and tasks of the state and the basic norms of human behavior. Constitution is not having some but the product of the fight against the feudal autocracy, strengthen the achievements. Before the modern constitution, each state will affairs and social affairs within a country’s final decision are all in the hands of the feudal monarchy.
From my view the constitution is a core of the legal system. Therefore the core of law is constitutional governance. According the constitution the rule of law is paramount. Aristotle’s production, nature and purpose of city-state made systematically. Therefore the constitution want …show more content…

Aristotle said the “right constitution” is those constitutions that promote the common interests. According Aristotle theory got three good kinds of the constitution; there are the kingship, aristocracies and polities. In Aristotle’s “mixed constitution” or “mixed regime” theory. The so called mixed is to monarchy, aristocracy and democracy ingredients mixed together. According to Aristotle’s view, these three components can be viewed as “a man”, “minority” and majority in power, and “the real difference between democracy and aristocracy that poverty and wealth............when the poor rule…….when the rule is democracy”. Besides that Plato and Aristotle were considered the most purely democracies government are not ideal but they do not oppose the “mixed regime” to “democratic” place ingredients in order to ease “the majority” of …show more content…

First is individual should share in being ruled and in ruling and another is have the freedom to “live as they like”. Therefore, in Aristotle’s view, freedom has had relationship with the democracy. About the democracy also intertwined the freedom. This is because tyranny is most wicked of unjust regimes and oligarchy is next to tyranny among the worst regimes. So I think the best regime or constitution is the democracy. That is because democracy is a government based on people and people got chance free to speak out their voices and so on. In below, Aristotle pointed

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