
Aristotle On Possessions

Decent Essays

What defines a possession? And what does ‘owning’ something do to, or for, you? Importance of the things that you own can vary on importance; usually depending on price, age, who payed for it, or if it was given to you. Aristotle, Jean-Paul, and Plato all have many different views on possessions. Aristotle argued that our possessions defined us and made us who we are and help develop our moral character. Plato said owning things is detrimental to our character. And Jean-Paul sad that the things we possess can precede just the idea that possessions are only physical objects, but they can be things that we learn and the knowledge that we have. I agree mostly with Aristotle, because i have many possessions that are very important to me. The three things that are most important to me, and what i'll be writing about, are my bed, my fridge, and my truck. To start off, There are not many things that I like more than my bed. My bed is one of my favorite possessions because it is something that I use daily. Also my bed has lots of stuff that i like on it like my extremely soft blanket. My bed is important to me because I use it a lot and enjoy snoozing in it. My bed also has a memory foam layer, which makes it even more valuable to me because it makes it really comfortable. My bed …show more content…

I spend a lot of time around and in the fridge because i am constantly eating, and drinking. Much of the food that i like requires a refrigerator to keep it cold, so this makes it very important to me because then none of the food that would usually go to waste will have to. The fridge is important also because it keeps my many assortment of drinks cold, although some of them are not legal. Keeping your drinks cold also keeps them from going bad and spoiling the taste, I mean come on, nobody likes a hot beer. My fridge is definitely one of the most important things to me because I enjoy my food and

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