
Aristotle 's Ideas And Philosophies Of Aristotle Essay

Decent Essays

Frequently discussed and debated are the ideas and philosophies of Aristotle. Larger than life, Aristotle had substantial influence on the formation and methodology of science as a whole, as well as specific disciplines. Many of his theories were well beyond the knowledge of ancient Greece (or what they thought they knew), and only in recent history has the science community begun to discover that many of Aristotle’s theories were actually quite close to reality. In addition, many of his theories brought questions to light that are still being considered and debated today. For example, one source contrasts Aristotle’s theories about when life begins to recent research on embryogenesis (Dunstan, 1988). From animal behavior to medicine, ethics and philosophy to theorizing on when life begins, Aristotle left a significant mark on what we call science. The first work examined was written by J.G. Lennox, who is a Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Director of the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh. According to his biography, he focuses especially on Aristotle and Charles Darwin. He has authored and edited several volumes. This article is Lennox’s response to an article written by Geoffrey Lloyd, who holds an opposing viewpoint. Regardless, he work corresponds directly to the overall point at hand: Aristotle’s long standing and ongoing influence in the scientific community. In his introduction, Lennox discusses how in the 4th

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