
Aristotle 's View On How Virtuous Action Differs From That Of Craft

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In this paper, I will examine Aristotle’s view on how virtuous action differs from that of craft (techne) action due to its issuing from a firm and unchanging disposition, as well as provide Aristotle’s reasoning as to why this is the case. In order to understand the differences between these two types of actions, one must first understand the similarities that both virtuous action and craft action share. Once the common traits of both virtuous and craft action have been examined, it will be possible to gain a better understanding of the differences between the two types of action, and how significant these differences truly are. Finally, once an understanding of both virtuous and craft action has been established, it will then be possible to examine Aristotle’s claim that virtuous action stems from a firm and unchanging disposition and why it is that we must accept this claim to recognize virtuous action for what it is.
In the work Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle defines Happiness as the final or highest end a human being strives for. He also claims that in order to live a “happy life” one must live a Life of Virtue. But how does one live a life of virtue without knowing what the virtues are or how to go about performing virtuous acts? Aristotle claims that we begin to acquire the virtues by first putting them into action. This is where Aristotle makes a comparison between virtuous action and craft (techne) action. He claims that moral virtue is akin to craft in the fact

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