
Army Professional Values

Decent Essays

The Army profession is an institute of standards and values, where the Army has adopted the culture of the Army professional. As society continues to evolve in the 21st Century, the Army profession is struggling to sustain trust and the moral identity of a leader. The Army as a profession is inclusive trust to which leaders reinforce through actions. Since the closing of the 2016 presidential elections, there have been extensive debates on the morals of the government and those that lead it. Controversial topics of collusion and the questioning of the integrity of the government have made it difficult for leaders to sustain the identity of the Army profession. Leaders that lack a solid foundation of character, competence, and commitment weaken organizational trust and decrease long-term results. This papers intent is to heighten the importance of investing in our leaders to secure organizational trust. Col John A. Vermeesch (2013), identified identity corrosion as one of the primary threats for maintaining the Army profession in the 21st Century (p.2). Character, competence and commitment are the three essential characteristics of the Army Professional. A leaders morals and values make up ones’ character with intrinsic values …show more content…

3-3). Credentials were present when the sexual harassment and assault instructor made inappropriate comments but the ability to influence trust lacked. All credibility was lost when the leader went against the Army values and acted without integrity. If a student stood up and addressed this instructor on his/her behavior than the credibility of the context of the course would remain intact and only the credibility of the instructor would be lost. When leaders do not hold themselves and others accountable for behavioral rights and the wrongs than credibility and trust is

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