
Arrow Roulette: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

“Hurry up Kendra you're going to be late Veronica is outside , I’ve already packed your bags LET'S GO NOW!” “Okay Mom I’m coming I have to get my phone charger”. So as I got my phone charger. I kissed my Mom goodbye as I walked out the door.
“Have fun tonight,” Mom yelled as I got in Veronica's car.
“Hey,” I said as Veronica drove off.
“Hey are you ready to go to Jennifer and Johnny’s house.”
“I’m as ready as I’m going to be,” I said quietly.
When we pulled up to the Lecter’s house we were greeted with the Lecter family standing on the front porch waving at us.
“Is this normal?” I whispered to Veronica.
“No, definitely not,” she whispered in return.
The rest of the evening was just as awkward as when we got here. Especially because …show more content…

“Yes, I think we are,” Veronica said unsurely.
Really neither one of us were ready for this game but we decided to play anyway.
“Ok, so the goal of this game is not to get hit with the arrow,” Johnny said.
“But don’t worry they are not sharp they are just plastic,” Jennifer added.
“The arrow will launch into the air and we will wait fifteen seconds and then run to hide,” Johnny said confidently.
“ You guys can go wait outside we’ll be out in a minuet,” Jennifer said.
“Ok,” Veronica replied.
“They are just where we want them,” Johnny whispered to Jennifer.
“I think we should replace the fake arrows with the real ones and see how they work,” Jennifer whispered back to Johnny. “I’m so tired of Kendra and Veronica. They are so popular at school and have friends and all we have is them.”
“Good idea, I’ll go get them right now and sneak them into the arrow thrower,”Johnny said.
Jennifer walked out of the front door and took us around back where we saw Johnny finishing setting up. Jennifer ran over to Johnny and started talking to him.
“We are going to run from the arrows early,” Jennifer whispered to …show more content…

We ran even further into the woods when we found Jennifer and Johnny. Jennifer and Johnny were sitting on a log. Veronica just shot them, Johnny in his upper thigh and Jennifer in her shoulder. It was nothing life threatening but they definitely needed to get to the hospital and fast. We called the ambulance and they tracked our phones.
“They found us,” Veronica exclaimed.
“Finally, it only took them an hour,” Jennifer said annoyed.
Jennifer and Johnny were rushed to the hospital for their wounds to be treated. Jennifer's injuries were minor but Johnny had to get his leg amputated. They were sent back to Russia to a mental facility. We never saw them again. Everybody who was killed that day’s bodies were sent back to russia too.
Everything went back to normal. Except Veronica and I were now famous we were on the cover of every newspaper on the east coast. We have had hundreds of interviews from TV stations. We were even flown to New York to be on Good Morning America. We are now the most popular people in school! But that didn’t matter to Veronica or I, the most important part of this experience is that it brought us even closer as

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