
Art Of India The Buddhist

Better Essays

Satpal Singh
Survey of Art and Culture 101
Instructor: Nathan Foxton
Art of India the Buddhist
Date: 07/20/2015

Art of India the Buddhist
Life of Buddhism: The Buddhism is one of the major religion in the world. Buddhism started in India and so many of its early symbols are related to ancient India and Hinduism as well though their original meaning were often changed. Buddhism has followers all over the world most of them from China, India, Sri Lanka, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and Thailand. The Buddhism religion is over 2500 years old. The name of Buddhism religion came from a person named Buddha. He was born Siddhartha Gautama of the Shaka. He was married and had a son. He was a teacher, but he didn’t think to be other than an ordinary human being. Other teachers were either God or directly inspired by God. The Buddha was a true human being, and he has no inspiration from any God. According to Buddhism the man is supreme, and he is his own master and there in no other higher power that judgment over his destiny.
According to the, Buddha, was the first born child. He was expected to succeed like his father, and like all kshatriya men. He was trained from a very young age to be a soldier. The term kshatriya means "noble warrior." Buddha was taught the alphabet and numbers at age 3, and by 6 he 'd entered the formal educational and military training program that lasted until age 16. The curriculum included courses in logic, politics and economics.

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