
Arthur Eddington's My Son, The Prince Of Fashion

Decent Essays

The most beautiful theory, The Economist
The Economist’s article “The most beautiful theory” discusses Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. It explains the origins of general relativity through Einstein’s initial thought experiments that eventually led to the realization that the university functions in four dimensions (“three spatial dimensions, one temporal one”) and that mass curved space-time, creating gravity. Over time, Einstein’s theory was verified by observations, such as those made by Arthur Eddington when he noticed the skew of light around the sun during an eclipse, which could only have been due to distorted space-time. His theory has also been expanded over the years as physicists try to combine general relativity with …show more content…

He describes the various shows they witnessed, brilliantly contrasting his clueless apathy with his son’s pure and complete entrancement with the clothes, the shows, and the process. He also describes his son’s unique love for fashion and his ability to dress impeccably, which he does due to his love for clothes and despite any teasing and mocking he encounters because of his style. Abe has an impressive and commendable ability to stand out and withstand the scrutiny and criticism that accompanies such distinction (Chabon even comments that Abe designs his clothes, the “outside of his body,” to “invite scrutiny”). Ironically, though, Chabon expresses the most important message of the article through the one fashion show to which he did not accompany his son. It was the show his son loved the most, precisely because Chabon, his “minder” (which he purposefully calls himself throughout the article), was not there. It was at the Paris Fashion show, and this one show in particular, that Abe found his “people;” he found those like him, who similarly love everything about fashion. And it was there he finally cured the intense “solitude of his passion” that he suffered at home, amid friends and family that did not share, or really understand, his passion. In Chabon’s words “you are born into a family and those are your people,”

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