
Arthur's Room-Personal Narrative

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“Alfred! Arthur’s out cold!” I managed to scream, however, it sounded weak. Hesitantly, I added, “badly bleeding, nonetheless!” creating a sense of unease. As I begin to carefully carry his limp body, I hear a familiar voice behind me, “He will be okay, Matthew. It’d be best to put him on a seat, for now,” Yao had replied to my statement. Firmly and clearly, I oblige in response. I am unable to fulfill placing Arthur on a seat however, as the bus made an erratic movement; Therefore, causing me to lean backwards. Before I knew it, I was facing the roof of the bus, yet was not lying on the ground. Did I land on something? "I got you.” A thick Russian accent had interrupted my thoughts. Feeling a force gently pushing back and up onto my feet, as a reflex, I mumbled, “Thank you… Ivan.” I had quickly realized who had caught me as I spoke. …show more content…

As I seated Arthur upright and made sure his pulse was beating ordinarily, my mentality reminded myself of what I had said earlier. Would we really shoot these kids? I wondered, feeling the guilt rise up within me. Shooting somebody was never a thought of mine, a kid nonetheless. Thinking this, I frantically sat down next to Arthur feeling the intense vibrations of the bus. “Fais attention! The police are speeding up, though are hitting some debris we're leaving behind!” As a French Canadian, I felt proud of being able to recognize the first two words. I also recognized Francis declaring this claim as he was the only other part of the group who could speak French. Moreover, the statement had thrown me off, shouldn’t the police be ready for anything? Suppose that they don’t get many crime groups driving school buses full of kids here in Ohio. I quietly laugh at my thought process, shortly mentally slapping myself

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