“Alfred! Arthur’s out cold!” I managed to scream, however, it sounded weak. Hesitantly, I added, “badly bleeding, nonetheless!” creating a sense of unease. As I begin to carefully carry his limp body, I hear a familiar voice behind me, “He will be okay, Matthew. It’d be best to put him on a seat, for now,” Yao had replied to my statement. Firmly and clearly, I oblige in response. I am unable to fulfill placing Arthur on a seat however, as the bus made an erratic movement; Therefore, causing me to lean backwards. Before I knew it, I was facing the roof of the bus, yet was not lying on the ground. Did I land on something? "I got you.” A thick Russian accent had interrupted my thoughts. Feeling a force gently pushing back and up onto my feet, as a reflex, I mumbled, “Thank you… Ivan.” I had quickly realized who had caught me as I spoke. …show more content…
As I seated Arthur upright and made sure his pulse was beating ordinarily, my mentality reminded myself of what I had said earlier. Would we really shoot these kids? I wondered, feeling the guilt rise up within me. Shooting somebody was never a thought of mine, a kid nonetheless. Thinking this, I frantically sat down next to Arthur feeling the intense vibrations of the bus. “Fais attention! The police are speeding up, though are hitting some debris we're leaving behind!” As a French Canadian, I felt proud of being able to recognize the first two words. I also recognized Francis declaring this claim as he was the only other part of the group who could speak French. Moreover, the statement had thrown me off, shouldn’t the police be ready for anything? Suppose that they don’t get many crime groups driving school buses full of kids here in Ohio. I quietly laugh at my thought process, shortly mentally slapping myself
Right then. Let’s begin, shall we? So, in the mornin’ I goes to Elwell’s room; I typically find the dame with a bunch a little brats. She’s usually teachin’ em something or other like vowels and all that cal. I never getta work with her mornin’ group; the brats usually screw off before I get there. After ‘at, a group o’ wee little brats come in – first graders, I finks. “Right there, mate?” I always ‘ear from the little rug-rats ‘fore I tell ‘em we gotta get goin on the class. So I gives the brats their white boards ‘n there marker ‘n there erasers and such. Then I reads ‘em a list a little o’ words with vowels and stuff.
On April 1, 2000, I was placed into a group home because of my behavior at the home. My dad and I didn’t get along. So he sent me to a placed called Bowman House. When I arrived there the first person I met was a lady name Alexander, she begin showing me around the units. Alexander was called the granny of the units. It was two units for the boys and girls. She took me to the boys unit first to look at the units. After I looked at the boys unit she took me to the girls unit. Where I would be staying. I had the chance to bond with Alexander, it wasn’t something I was trying to do it just happen. I had to stay with Alexander until the staff came back from picking the other peers up from school. An hour pass and the peers came back I had to go
It was the year 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland. All of the Jews had to hide with Gentile families, or they would have been sent to concentration camps, an awful place where suffering and death was inevitable for the helpless Jewish men and women. The Jews who were fortunate enough to find a non-Jewish family that was willing to take care of them, spent several years hiding, staying away from windows and scurrying upstairs to the isolated bedroom whenever they heard footsteps. They spent years away from their family members and the outdoors in fear that they would be caught and killed. This is the life of Annie De Leeuw, our young, naive Jewish narrator.
“Good morning,” I said as I walked into room 34. I picked up the patient's chart and looked through it. “So you’ve been experiencing speech difficulties, headaches, nausea, and drowsiness?” I asked. “Yeah. I’m sure it’s nothing, though,” Mrs. Gallagher replied.
Arthur handed over his precious bundle to the man who had acted as his teacher, mentor, and friend. The raw emotion flowing between Arthur and Merlin brought tears to Arthur’s eyes,
Bruce Golding, Jamie Schram and Mark Moore article “How CIA allegedly turns everyday devices into high-tech spy weapons(2017)” asserts that the CIA can secretly turn your everyday smartphones into high-tech spying devices. Golding backs his claim up using big name companies such as Apple iPhones, Google Androids, Samsung, and Sony. The authors purpose is to point out the ways in which the government has the ability to watch everyone in the world with no difficulty in order to use anything found on someones phone against them or even to help maybe win a presidential election. Given the popular names and the reasonable evidence , Golding is writing to a well-educated audience with knowledge about the companies and the CIA on the phone spying.
I knew it was a dangerous thing to do, but I had to do something. I am Hannah Jean Grooms the third. The young, 21 year old, preacher's child. The absolute most loved by the community, for the most simple thing ever. I saved a person from a blistering fire, nothing at all right? Then everything changed.
The Room at the Inn offered me the ability to employ multicultural concepts with real world application. Ada Jenkins provides several health options for uninsured persons in the Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson communities. Mobile dentistry, a community health nurse, and a free medical clinic are accessible to these folks; however, mental health care is non-existing, as I find such an absence of support problematic. From the small sample that I witnessed through The Room at the Inn; an indisputable requirement for mental health counseling exists. Addiction struggles, anxieties/depression, self-esteem, amongst other probable mental health concerns stood predominant among the 12 men. Sadly, the men attending the YMCA on the 20th do not possess the financial means and outside resources to pursue mental health care.
Arthur let out a small smile at that and Leon took that as his cue to go. The longer they spent discussing this, he knew the more convincing Arthur's arguments would sound. He didn't want to be leaving the prince, not now after everything they had come through together. They were supposed to be finally getting the chance to work side by side and yet something had come and torn him away.
Seventy years. For over seventy years he had been trapped in what he liked to call his constant torturous prison. He had no time to think about the changes that had occurred in the world. The thought of getting revenge over his captors had kept him going for so long, and maybe, that reason he was there. Outside this house. The house of the man who he had experienced literal hell with for five years. The man who had been in his friend, his best friend. The man who had left him to die in a fire. Damon. Even thinking of his name sent a surge of anger throughout Enzo's body. Damon had been off living his life to the fullest, while Enzo had been trapped, had been tortured and isolated from society. Yet, no matter how much pain the man had caused
King Arthur is a mythical character in British history. Though his existence is frequently debated among historians, the story of King Arthur and "the sword in the stone" is an international story. However I find that the knowledge frequently held by the common populace tends to be contradictory to what is consistently found in the most reluctantly trusted sources. I'm here to correct that misinformation.
The short story “That Room”, written by Tobias Wolff is written all around symbolism. One of the first examples I originally noticed was how he would sometimes gaze out into the fields as an escape from the current job he was assigned to such as “shoveling shit” or “hacking weeds”. As the story goes on, the narrator finally gets what he wants, a job in the fields with the other boys. After he obtained that job, that room that they stay in is a horrible place to live, the conditions are terrible and it is one of the grimiest places possible. This one room though, is filled with symbols, enough that it changes the story in the blink of an eye.
In Auggie’s room, Auggie sits at the desk growing increasingly annoyed by his computer, Karen.
The book Room by Emma Donoghue is loosely based on the Josef Fritzl case, where a man held his daughter captive, repeatedly raped her, beat her and fathered 8 children with her. The purpose of Room was to not focus attention on the psychopaths who commit such heinous crimes, but rather the love that Jack and Ma share in their tragic situation. The book does not present Jack as a victim, he is oblivious to the situation he is in, it is the only reality he’s ever known. The first half of the book focuses on Ma and Jack being trapped in the room, while the second half of the book focuses on what happens after they have escaped.
Michael you have a pass to go to Mr Culp's room. Those eleven words would start a journey, I didn't know it then but that day I was finally going to find what I wanted to do for a living. When I entered the class three more communication club members were already in the room. Mr Culp sat us down and said he needed two photographers for our school olympics which were just team based games and it was normally the grades vs one another and the teachers . One of the kids was participating in the olympics so he couldn't the other girl didn't want to mess up the photos since communication club was a video club and she never done any kind of photography and these picture might appear in the year book and she was really afraid to mess up, me on the other hand I did not want to be stuffed in the hot bleachers. So I was the first one to volunteer I was one of the main camera men so I knew how to zoom in and start and from the basics of what Mr Culp's Crash course the other student an old friend Emily had also decided to volunteer during the