
Article 20 Life Skills Not Taught In Schools

Good Essays

Philosophy of Education
Jessica Vandeventer
University of Colorado in Colorado Springs
Philosophy of Education Everyone has a philosophy that they base their life on and use to help guide them through life decisions and in their careers. Even educators have a philosophy that guide how they teach and work in a school. Teachers have many things to consider when making their philosophy and then following their philosophy. They need to look at what is the purpose of schooling and what they should teach. They also need to know how students learn and the roles of the teacher and the students. Teachers have to know their roles in order to help students, and they must know what the roles of students in order to help them learn. Teachers also need to know how students learning can be measured. All of these play a role into creating a philosophy of education to use when teaching at schools. Student centered-teaching is one of the best ways to teach, and it should have a part in any philosophy of education.
What is the purpose of schooling? The purposes of schooling should focus on helping the students to succeed in the economy and help them make an impact in the world. Schools should also be a place where students can explore and learn what makes them tick and help them find out what …show more content…

In the article 20 Life Skills Not Taught In School they say “We all start with no credit, which is not bad, but it’s not necessarily helpful to lenders, and thus good credit needs to be established.” Some student do not always understand how to to establish that good credit, so it would be helpful to learn how to spend money wisely and be able to pay off that credit every month on time. After leaving school student are not magically ready for everything that they are going to face, but goo money managing habits would be a great place to

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