
Article Analysis: 'Obama to Permit Young Migrants to Remain in US' by Preston and Cushman

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The DHS, Obama and Immigration
The United States has long wrestled with questions over immigration policy, with heavy partisan rancor characterizing the nature of illegal immigration as a political issue. As a humanitarian, economical and sociological issue, illegal immigration is not only a pressing issue but one that can invoke highly charged and emotional reaction from both sides. This was amply demonstrated this past week when President Obama announced that the Department of Homeland Security would be granting 'deferred action' status to a category of illegal immigrants falling into a qualifying set of demographic conditions. According to Julia Preston & John H. Cushman Jr.'s 2012 New York Times article entitled "Obama to Permit Young Migrants to Remain in U.S," the President used his executive authority to limit the number of deportations committed upon illegal immigrants by easing the status of the youngest of these.
Research Question: The primary research question driving the article by Preston & Cushing inquires what the likely impact will be of the new executive order from Obama. Broken down further into subquestions, the article inquires as to the impact that this action would have for illegal immigrants wishing to remain in the United States, for conservative lawmakers who have vociferously opposed their presence here and for the general electoral process that the article predicts will be impacted.
The thesis of the article by

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