
Artificial Intelligence In 'I, Robot And Ex Machina'

Decent Essays

The genre of science fiction allows writers and directors to endlessly speculate about advancements in current forms of technology. As much as artificial intelligence has evolved to become the root of fascination within the technology industry, works within the science fiction genre continue to embody the feelings of wonder and fear felt towards further technological development through clever narratives. A particular film that excellently captures this theme of artificial intelligence is “Ex Machina,” written and directed by Alex Garland. The main science fiction aspects of this film lie not in the conventional depiction of a futuristic time period, but the achievement of a strong, artificially intelligent android that can pass as a human …show more content…

Within other science fiction films that involve machines or androids exhibiting artificial intelligence, such as Alex Proyas’ “I, Robot” and David Michael Latt’s “The Terminator,” robots are generally depicted as “good guys gone bad.” The creation of these robots would be intended to benefit the world and aid human beings. Yet, due to their evolutionary superiority, these robots would soon become hostile by betraying their human counterparts and attempting to take over the world. Meanwhile, “Ex Machina” differs in that its storyline involves an android’s attempt at manipulation through the use of seduction and emotion rather than brute force. This unique premise already instills a sense of curiosity. From the start of the film, Caleb’s restricted access to the facility and his bind to a nondisclosure agreement triggers feelings of uncertainty and mystery within the main character and the viewers. As characters’ hidden motives and beliefs slowly unravel, the viewers’ trust in certain characters consistently waver. This emotional engagement, combined with an uncommon storyline, is what makes “Ex Machina” a thrilling and unpredictable

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