
Artificial Intelligence In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Imagine you’re in a situation where there’s a chance that all of your chores could be done for you, but there’s also a chance that you could be killed. Would you take that chance? That situation is possible with the creation and perfection of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe robots who have the ability to think and learn. Once, a dream, now is becoming closer and closer to reality. In Mary shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein created a new species, which was a complete disaster. AI would be a new species, with the same or maybe even more risks as Victor’s monster. Artificial intelligence should not be completely independent because giving machines the ability to learn and become self …show more content…

All news outlets tend to cover the sadder stories. Almost everyday there is a new story on a public shooting or a new scandal. These acts will most likely be recognized as evil as scientists would input their laws and morals into the machine, and as all species naturally desire, they will try to destroy any species that threatens their survival. The biggest threat to AI is humans. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, there are currently over 2.3 million people in some category of correctional facility in the United States alone. If scientists attempted to input morals and laws into a robot’s head, wouldn’t they see the human population evil, considering the amount of people incarcerated? Computers work in patterns, they don’t typically see breaks in patterns as normal. Using this idea, they could potentially see all humans as bad, just because there’s a few bad apples in the bunch. AI could potentially spread through all computes like a virus and cause destruction to all types of electronics, like phones, government computers, self driving cars, nuclear power plants, national power grids, even ATMs. If regular people can hack into these devices, then so could a computer itself. All it needs is time. So, if AI was ever accomplished, then it would have to be extremely regulated with what information is given. It must have many limitations to be successful enough for use on a daily

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