
Essay on Arts in the Time of the Byzantine

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I have chosen the apse mosaic in San Vitale (Christ with San Vitale, Bishop

Ecclesius, and two angel, 526-547) and dome Mosaic in the Church of the Dormition

(Christ Pantocrator, ca1090-1100). The apse mosaic was created in early Byzantine

and the dome mosaic was created in middle Byzantine.

The depiction of Christ between the works are quite different. I think the most

observable is the appearance of Christ. From the apse mosaic in San Vitale, we can

see that the Christ is clean-shaven and long-haired. The image of Christ looks like the

Good Shepherd. But from the dome mosaic of Christ Pantocrator, the details on the

Christ’s face changed. The Christ became bearded and long-haired. Another change in

the depiction of …show more content…

Moreover, Justinian had a success of developing the Byzantine

Empire in early Byzantine. People had less conflicts between them and they followed

the religious in Roman Christianity. Hence, they depict the Christ in a smiley face.

But later The Age of Justinian was followed by a political decline, Constantinople

was wracked by religious and political conflict. And Leo III issued a ban on religious

images (Iconoclasm) afterwards. I think people in middle Byzantine may regret for

this and so they depict the Christ in an angry face. They knew that they had shown

disrespectful to the Christ.

The early Byzantine art mainly followed the Roman arts. The work I chose was a

good example. From my chosen work, the Christ was shown as the image of the good

Shepherd and this was the way to shape the Christ in Roman Empire. Also people

kept creating mosaics like the Roman period. For example, Transfiguration of Jesus

also had the same details as my chosen work shown. The middle Byzantine art

became more naturalistic. Let say my chosen work, they created the Christ more

human like. I think artists may wanted to show the realism after the Iconoclasm.

For example, Crucifixion, the mosaic in the church of the Dormition had shown the

work more realistic.

Byzantine art influenced the Russian and Eastern European civilizations. The

subsequent Church architecture and religious art were influenced

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