Asoka the dirty ruthless conqueror or an amazing, enlightened ruler. Asoka was the ruler of the Mauryan Empire. He has killed many innocent lives, but he also gave rich gifts to the poor after he sought forgiveness of his wrong doings. There is one question many people ask and that is, is Asoka a ruthless conqueror or is he an enlightened ruler? Asoka is an enlightened ruler because he brought welfare of the world ,he seeked forgiveness, and Asoka agrees with nonviolence. First of all , He brought welfare of the world. In Document “C”, “Asoka’s Awakening” it states “ Asoka gave rich gifts to the poor. ” This quote means that Asoka had to be an enlightened ruler to give RICH gifts to the poor. If he was a ruthless ruler, he probably wouldn’t have given such good gifts to the poor, maybe even no gifts at all . Another example of Asoka showing welfare to the world is located on document “D”, “The Edict of Asoka is states”, “The faiths of others all deserved to …show more content…
An example of this is shown here on document “C” it states “Asoka goes on a pilgrimage seeking a guru a teacher. And by the river he met a Buddhist monk and the monk told him to sit beneath the Bodhi tree where the Buddha had found enlightenment.” This means that Asoka felt remorse for his wrong doing. Asoka felt bad enough to make him think he needs forgiveness so he sought for someone to help. If Asoka was a ruthless ruler he probably wouldn’t have cared at all. Another example of Asoka seeking forgiveness is located in document “E” it states “The beloved of the gods (Asoka) believes that one who does wrong should be forgiven as far as it is possible to forgive him.” This quote means that Asoka believes this because he was forgiven himself. He thought if he could get a second chance everyone should. If Asoka was a ruthless ruler Asoka would have never sought forgiveness, which would lead to him not being forgiven, which would lead to him not allowing second
To begin with, Asoka was kind and concerned about people. He became peaceful, enlightened, and more open-minded after finding enlightenment. Asoka’s ideas changed after his conquering of Kalinga because he felt sorry for them. According to historian Michael Wood, “[It was] a rejection of a whole way of understanding history.” ( Doc C). By this, Wood means that Asoka rejected the way rulers in the past felt after conquering land. Regardless of who they were, they enjoyed being victorious. But instead of abandoning the Kalingans, who had lost so much, Asoka’s reaction to the
In the freezing December of 1777, George Washington and twelve thousand men built huts in a very small area, Valley Forge. They would have to last there until winter ended, with barely any supplies, and just fire and smoke to keep them from freezing to death. Soldiers died from illness, and many deserted or quit after their contract was over. Many had this chance to quit, but if you were a soldier, would you continue fighting? I would re-enlist, because George Washington has called for help from Congress and will probably receive it, the British might win the war if all the soldiers quit, and the soldiers of the Continental Army shouldn’t be summer soldiers.
The Battle of Lexington was the beginning of the Revolutionary War and where the colonists first stood up for their rights. According to the accounts the first shots were most likely fired by the British soldiers. As document A was written by a soldier who claimed he thought the “first one or two” shots came from the minutemen. It was also stated that after those alleged shots the British militia (in a state of panic) began to shoot back wildly without being ordered too. Which seems unlikely as the soldiers had been trained and should have been prepared to handle the situation calmly. Document B had thirty-two recorded account days after the battle, with men under oath, that stated “to their knowledge they did not shoot until they were fired
Asoka was an enlightened ruler because of his intelligence and strategy. Evidence of this is when he conquered Kalinga. This was an important conquest to the economy of the Mauryan Empire. He strategically surrounded Kalinga when conquering it (Doc B). This evidence explains why Asoka was an enlightened ruler because he was doing good for his people and economy. He also
Although he was always battling he was nice. Asoka did not continue conquering… He stopped! Asoka could continue and have more land in his possession but he stopped at what he had! THat shows he was nice, Asoka let the land he didn't conquer
I believe that the Revolutionary War was not actually as revolutionary as the name suggests because, although some of the documents suggest that major change was brought about after the war, the majority of the documents made me come to the conclusion that there were not as many results of the war as widely expected. A prime example is Document 6, where an African American valedictorian questions the possibilities of him getting a job among white people. He is a well-educated young adult, but with no jobs available to him, he must enter servitude. Another reason supporting my claim is the fact that in Document 8 it took more than 140 years for women to have the same voting rights as men (made a law in the 19th Amendment). The definition of
Asoka was a Ruthless Conqueror for many reasons. He killed so many people for such selfish reasons such as what happened in Kalinga. According to document B Asoka attacked Kalinga to increase his wealth and power. In this ruthless attack he killed one hundred thousand people for his own personal gain.
Asoka did many good and bad things throughout his lifetime. Information from the DBQ proves that he was a ruthless conqueror, he killed innocent people, he encouraged people to do the things that he did, and he sentenced people to death days after they messed up on something. Asoka is a ruthless conqueror who didn’t think about how his actions could have affected someone.. After all, bad is worse than good. To begin, he was a ruthless conqueror because he does evil things that he didn’t regret.
First, Asoka helped the economy and poor communities. Asoka’s strategy states, “The conquest of Kalinga was of importance to both the strategy and the economy of the Mauryan empire.” Asoka went to war to help the kingdom's economy and make to sure the kingdom was safe. One part of Asoka’s awakening says, “While he was here, Asoka gave rich gifts to the poor. He consulted local communities about proper governance, about good conduct .” This shows Asoka cared about poor communities and gave them advice.
Overcrowded,smoggy,dirty. These word would describe what the gilded age and progressive era looked like. With multiple families living in a small space and people working for less than living wage in dirty cramped factories. Food was made in unsanitary places with rats crawling over it. There were millions of child labour. Some people would say that the inventions society got were great but it was at the cost of people's lives. Economic growth was bad for society because factories had harsh condition.
The Aztecs have two remarkable qualities about their culture; human sacrifice and agriculture. While both of these qualities holds an importance in their history, historians should emphasize human sacrifice more. The Aztecs human sacrifice is more notable than the Aztecs agricultural ability, because they left land unoccupied for later sacrifices, it resulted in many’s death, and even the finest were sacrificed.
What’s the value in knowing about India and their encounters with Britain around 1858 through 1947? The time the British spent ruling India was called the British Raj; during that time, the British tried to spread their ways of life while benefiting economically. They were drawn to India because the Industrial Revolution was at it’s peak and Britain was in need of natural resources which India had. To achieve that, control over India’s government was necessary and they ruined other social aspects on the way. When Britain took over India they were demonstrating what imperialism is. They controlled all laws, how their taxes were used, what they could grow and sell, even controlling the languages and supposedly tried to improve things like life
Italicize journals in citations During the 18th and 19th century, the industrial revolution in England changed social divisions. Some social classes grew while others faded and a few extra were created. However, not all historians agreed on this matter. If social classes were considered to be a group of people united in one commonality then the first problem historians faced was determining which commonality to base social classes off of.
Many immigrants came into the United States during the nineteenth century; some of them being Chinese. They came here through Angel Island to find better lives than in China, but it did not work out that way for most. These people faced much discrimination in this new country, such as working cheap jobs and being treated unfairly, but eventually they began trying to conquer these unfair acts towards them.