
Asoka Dbq Analysis

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Asoka the dirty ruthless conqueror or an amazing, enlightened ruler. Asoka was the ruler of the Mauryan Empire. He has killed many innocent lives, but he also gave rich gifts to the poor after he sought forgiveness of his wrong doings. There is one question many people ask and that is, is Asoka a ruthless conqueror or is he an enlightened ruler? Asoka is an enlightened ruler because he brought welfare of the world ,he seeked forgiveness, and Asoka agrees with nonviolence. First of all , He brought welfare of the world. In Document “C”, “Asoka’s Awakening” it states “ Asoka gave rich gifts to the poor. ” This quote means that Asoka had to be an enlightened ruler to give RICH gifts to the poor. If he was a ruthless ruler, he probably wouldn’t have given such good gifts to the poor, maybe even no gifts at all . Another example of Asoka showing welfare to the world is located on document “D”, “The Edict of Asoka is states”, “The faiths of others all deserved to …show more content…

An example of this is shown here on document “C” it states “Asoka goes on a pilgrimage seeking a guru a teacher. And by the river he met a Buddhist monk and the monk told him to sit beneath the Bodhi tree where the Buddha had found enlightenment.” This means that Asoka felt remorse for his wrong doing. Asoka felt bad enough to make him think he needs forgiveness so he sought for someone to help. If Asoka was a ruthless ruler he probably wouldn’t have cared at all. Another example of Asoka seeking forgiveness is located in document “E” it states “The beloved of the gods (Asoka) believes that one who does wrong should be forgiven as far as it is possible to forgive him.” This quote means that Asoka believes this because he was forgiven himself. He thought if he could get a second chance everyone should. If Asoka was a ruthless ruler Asoka would have never sought forgiveness, which would lead to him not being forgiven, which would lead to him not allowing second

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