It’s a pleasure to meet you. I just took over Erika’s account and wanted to introduce myself. I am very excited to work with you and every analyst that will be involved throughout this partnership. Erika told me that you had a strong understanding On Astadia. With that in mind, what other analysts would you recommend to help them get started as quickly as possible?
My motivation is to be part of moving the U.S. government into the 21st century. The 115th Congress will face many challenges shaping U.S. technology policies and regulations. As a Congressional Innovation Intern, I will improve my capacity to effect change by applying my technology and policy skills to assisting with this effort. The internship will provide invaluable experience in learning how legislative change happens in Congress. Taken together, these will enhance my ability to effect the change I anticipate in my future career.
After conducting researches on both Principal Financial Group and New York Life Insurance Company, I would be more likely to choose to work at Principal Financial Group. Both companies have strong background. Also, the products (insurance, investment, retirement solution) and services they provide for their customer are almost similar. Two companies, Principal and New York Life help individuals to create a plan that is the best fit for each person and design to be achievable and effective. In addition, it is appeal to me that both companies value and respect their employees. New York Life have a diversity environment and provide training programs for their agents. On the other hand, Principal not only value their employees, but
As a natural born resident of the City of Long Branch, I personally have gone to admire and appreciate the level of professionalism in our police officers in which govern our community. I have ultimately come to understand this high standard of professionalism and leadership has been properly groomed over generations. Thus, in my closing year at Saint Peter’s University in a concentration of criminal justice, I have taken significant interest in applying directly to Long Branch Police Department.
While I, Nicole Holcombe, was at my internship I learned how to do a walk around. You go to every door and check to make sure a person is in every cell. If you are doing a walk around after the inmate is back in their cell you make sure to check if the doors locked by pulling on the handle. I also learned you can check three places to know if someone has money on their books. Deputy Briggs showed me the rule book all inmates receive and how to write someone up. You write what they did wrong their name and cell number and then you give it to them when you can have another officer with you for your safety. Briggs also showed me how to log inmate movement, for example, if they go to the library. When logging movement you go to a program called
On wednesday at my internship was a very important day, because I got to go into the field and instead of go to the agency with went out into the field. That day I went to a place with some body of the agency and I saw the process of how they recruit the young participant to join the program. Which I think it's a good way to reach out to this participants, because as young participant they most of the time won't be interested until somebody reach them to help the a speciall internship becaouse is very important this is a good story to tell.It was really interesting to see the agancy from another perspective. Chapter 11 on the book the human services internship, it explained how as a professional and as a person that is learning,
This research paper is compiled from many interviews conducted with Agents at the Fort Smith office and has contributions from documents in the DEA resource center database. It will outline the history of the DEA, along with its mission and purpose. It will also introduce my supervisor and describe the Fort Smith agency, in general, and how the DEA operates within the domestic and international criminal justice system. In conclusion, I will describe my time working with the agents and my experience with the internship as a whole.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with your company. After our conference call last month, I was very exciting to work with you to provide many different services to your clients.
Good Afternoon, my name is Tiffany Pham, we were talking this summer if Nordstrom would extend my internship and let me work for them during the fall. I could possibly count it as a marking class, so I could finish off my marketing degree. I was wondering if I can set an appointment with you to do so, please let me know.
“Thank you for having me. It’s a real pleasure to meet you folks. I’ve been following your progress here, it’s all very impressive,” Edward said.
Despite the diversity of my experiences throughout the Garnet and Gold Scholar Society program, each area is connected by a theme of helping both children and families. This theme was born out my desire to seek a career where I could help others. Initially, this meant becoming a physician’s assistant, however over the course of my Florida State University and Garnet and Gold Scholar Society experiences I have decided to pursue a career as a child advocacy lawyer.
The field of Information technology has been around for quite some time now. The field has matured and is now able to handle the millions of users that interact with various businesses or governments through their websites. I am applying for the city of Boca Raton Internship in Information Technology because I want a career in web and network functions. I believe the Information Technology internship as it applies in government setting will be invaluable to me in gaining experience .
I am enrolled in your APCE 617 Play Therapy Practicum this spring. I applied for APPIC internships this year and recently finalized the sites to which I have an interview. Due to the dates and time some of my interviews occur, I have to miss class January 10th and 11th (interview in Phoenix) and January 17th and 18th (interview in Wisconsin). Let me know if I need to do anything to make up this time or if there are any special arrangements I need to make. I might be able to make class on January 11th depending on if my flight from Phoenix is running on time. I am sorry to send this so soon before the course begins, I just found out about the last interview and finalized arrangements this week. Let me know if you have any questions
I have decided to voluntary termination my membership with Sigma Lambda Gamma. My education is really important to me, and moving onto my 4th year of college I would like to dedicate my time to my academics. I came into college trying to pursue a major that wasn’t for me and it has reflected on my GPA. I’ve been working on getting my GPA up and I have succeeded. I do wish to continue my education after graduating from UCSC. Therefore, I would like to use up my time to work extremely hard to keep raising my GPA. I enjoyed doing events with the sorority but now I would like to dedicate my spare time to being involved with different internships and jobs. I therefore have decided to step aside from Sigma Lambda Gamma to dedicate my time to academics
Alisha’s current internship work is with school aged children who are largely from an African American and Latino population in Hartford CT. She has a natural, creative spirit; which works well with children. Alisha’s upbringing may have brought an understanding on how to effectively engage with children and understanding the environmental stressors on their functioning. As a Caucasian woman raised around the Latino and African American population, she easily assimilates within the environments in which she works. Alisha is equity-minded by being conscious of race in an affirmation sense, working within a culturally responsive practice and creating an environment that promotes social consciousness and collective responsibility. Also, when
As a result of my experience with helping others it has helped me gain knowledge and the skills necessary it also has came a long way for me to realize that I love to help others when I can. I have always been very sociable and good at giving advice. That's why I decided that I want to major in Psychology. Growing up I had a psychologist who helped me deal with my problems. That's what inspired me and motivated me to want to help others. An experience I've had is volunteering at an elderly nursing home that is located at 1135 N Leisure Ct, Anaheim, CA 92801. Volunteering there has helped me realize that I would like to help make a change in others lives with their living and health. The people I met at the nursing