
Atheism: Definition Of A Religious Family

Decent Essays


I have seen and experienced how this atheists can be seen with a very negative connotation. For some of us realizing we are atheists can be as simple as a sudden realization. "One week ago I worshiped the Bible. One week ago I wasted Sundays mornings at church. One week ago I was convinced in a fairy tale"(Cimino) However for most of us it is a gradual realization that we need to eventually tell others about on our own time. Unfortunately this experience comes from within my own family, who are the definition of an extremely religious family, aside from my father. "Certainly someone who grew up with a secular or at least religiously unenthusiastic parent will be more likely to lose faith than someone whose parents were both earnestly …show more content…

We were preparing for thanksgiving dinner and everything seemed like it was going well. The rest of my family slowly arrived and dinner was on the table before I knew it. I still very clearly remember the prayer being normal up until the point where my Uncle decided to take it upon himself to pray for me as he felt I was going to hell. My Uncle the deacon was the first to decide I was going to hell. The man who was in my opinion one of the least judgmental people in the world, had just clearly judged me. I sat there in shock as the rest of my family agreed with his sentiment, even adding comments of there own. I sat there in a stunned silence for the rest of dinner. I could feel for the first time there judgmental looks and I felt isolated in my own little bubble at a time when my whole family was gathered around me. I remember after thanksgiving dinner how everyone avoided talking to me or even looking me in the eye for too long of a time. I wondered why exactly I was being isolated, had I done something wrong, had I insulted them in some way due to my lack of belief in a god? It bothered me for the rest of the night, until I eventually drifted off into sleep assuming it would all be over by the next …show more content…

"If you look up ‘atheism’ in a dictionary, you will find it defined as the belief that there is no God. Certainly, many people understand ‘atheism’ in this way."(Bullivant) I figured this was the time to explain this to my grandmother, however those hopes were soon dashed. I remember being questioned about my morals and where I get them from if not from some "God". It seemed like an odd question, morals are taught during childhood, was she telling me that her morals and only reason for doing right was a book? I know that’s not what she meant but it seemed amusing to look at it in that way at the time. It was just recently on the day after this conversation with my grandma that I realized I was not going to get the acceptance of my family. They have made it very clear how they feel about atheists. I was told I was going to hell and that I was no longer welcome at my grandmas for Christmas. I've been told that I am leading an immoral life and that if I don’t accept "God" into my heart I am going to hell and that they cannot accept me since I don’t believe in a "God". "If you look up ‘atheism’ in a dictionary, you will find it defined as the belief that there is no God. I've also noticed that the people from the parish I used to belong to ignore me when I go to the festivals

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