
Athens Compare And Contrast Essay

Decent Essays

Although having some common characteristics, the Athenian and Spartan were very different in many aspects. This means that the citizens of both city states took part in activities that were both different and similar at various times of the day.

The economic and cultural activities of the Athenians are of great impact and influence today and also during Ancient Greece. It is in Athens where many features of Western civilization such as theater and ethical philosophy were born (Brand, P. J. (n.d.)). People who lived in Athens during the ancient period were of three categories; the citizens, the Metics and the slaves. Citizens would be males only who were born of an Athenian mother and father.

In Athens, a mother or male slave would give guidance to a young boy who was beginning his education. At the age of …show more content…

Newly born children were inspected by elders and those who had defects were killed because they were thought of as being weak while those who were healthy were allowed to live. They young boys would stay with their mothers up to the age of 7 where they would join the Agoge, the state’s education program (Brand, P. J. (n.d.)). The boys would serve in the military for the rest of their life. At 20 he becomes a soldier of the state and is eligible to marry. He is also eligible to participate in the Assembly and he can select or be selected as an ephor. Spartan males who were 60 years old served in the Gerousia. The perousia who lived in Sparta would engage in occupation that the Spartans rejected such as trading since they were full time soldiers. Young girls in Sparta were educated and their main purpose was to give birth. They would be able to marry once they were 18 years of age. They would not wear jewelry or make up and they were judged on their physical athletic prowess (Knights, J.A, 2007). Spartan women had arenas where they would exercise and compete in

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