
Athletes Should Get Equal Pay

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Not Unqualified, but Denied A crowd of three hundred thousand people screaming at the top of their lungs because USA has won a gold medal. A single athlete looks into the crowd and cries at what they have accomplished. All of the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears they have put into becoming great has paid off. Except this particular athlete is female, so it has never literally paid off. They will go home when it's all over to a small house and their second job due to the fact they don’t make enough money as athletes to survive even though they are the best in the entire world. Women on the USA soccer team should get equal pay as athletes because the USA women's team brings in more money for the USA soccer program than the Men's team, the USA …show more content…

The statistics in the article Pay Disparity in U.S. Soccer? It's Complicated show that in 2016 the women's team made a profit of 4.6 million dollars more than the men's team. In 2017 they are projected to profit 5.2 million dollars compared to the men's team which will lose a million dollars (Das). That means that even though they will be bringing in 6.2 million dollars more the article Women Earn The Glory While Men Earn The Money In U.S. Soccer says they still will be paid 5 times less due to their gender (O'Donnell). “There’s two different pay structures. The men get paid per game. Whether they win or lose, they get paid. The women were on a salary-based contract.”- Hope Solo The men's team should not be getting paid even the same amount as the women's team let alone …show more content…

According to the article How Does the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Pay Compare to the Men? in the past 5 years the women's team has played 40-50% more games. Which means they are physically doing almost twice the amount of work and still being paid substantially less. The women out of those large amount of games have twice as many victories from 2012-2016 as the men's team. The women's team won 88 games compared to the men's 44 (Santhanam). The women's team won the 2015 world cup and only received 1.6 million dollars compared to when the men won and received 9.3 million dollars. Women deserve equal pay if they are better than a men’s team. No matter what gender a person is, their salary should be based on their

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