
Essay on Athletes and the Effects of Pre-Game Jitters

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Hours before a match, athletes in all corners of the world tend to freak out due to all the psychological factors that accompany performance in sports. Stop for a quick second and imagine becoming a Manchester United Striker or a Denver Broncos Wide-Receiver. For those who did not know already, these two positions are among the hardest in the sports world to play. Not only must the person assigned to these positions stay up until the early hours of the morning studying plays and formations so they might better assist their team come match day, but they also act as the main way the teams they play for get any points. If the expectation of being the team’s top scorers isn’t enough, they must also act as an inspiration to every other …show more content…

It can be determined by the results presented that athletes in one way or another do in fact experience pre-game jitters. In turn, this can negatively impact an athlete’s performance.
Secondly, when an athlete first steps on to the pitch they instantly form a bond with every single member of the crowd that came to watch them play. This bond however can not only be good, but it can be bad as well. According to A Psychoanalysis of Sports by Dustin Ervin, “The sport is the stage, athletes the characters, and crowd the audience” (Ervin 33). In simple terms, the crowd acts as audience that comes to see the athletes “characters” play. The athletes preform their sport on the field. Now if you ever have been to a play or have seen one in cinemas, you would note that the audience can show multiple attitudes towards the film based upon how it presents itself. This is the same for crowds watching athletes on the field. If the crowd approves of a particular athlete’s performance, or the team as a whole, they will erupt with cheers and applause. However, if they detest the performance that they are given, boos will be heard around the stadium. The athlete’s performance is also based around this feedback. If the crowd is booing the athlete then he or she might simply perform poorly for the rest of the match. But, if the crowd is cheering the athlete on the urge to keep pleasing the crowd grows as does the performance of the athlete.

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