
Atomic Bomb in World War II

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The end of World War Two in Europe, or V-E day made two things very clear. First, that America showed itself as a world power, and the second was that Russia had no intentions of leaving the land it had taken on its way to Berlin. With the war in the pacific still ongoing, the Americans had to turn its focus to the war on the islands and deal with Russia afterwards. Eventually in July of 1945, an end to the pacific theater of war came (V-J day) with the dropping of the two atomic bombs, little boy and fat man, on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The decision to drop the first bomb was made by new president Harry Truman, and was not only used to force Japan into an unconditional surrender, but also to intimidate the Solviet Union. After V-E day, the American focus on the strategy of island hopping, which means jumping from one island to another (skipping over some) until they got to Japan. After the use of Kamakazi plane attacks on Iwo Jima, it became apparent that Japan would fight until the very end. The secretary of war at the time, Henry L. Stimson, said in one of his memoirs, "I was informed that such operations (the invasion of Japan's home islands) might be expected to cost over a million casualties, to American forces alone" (document A). He obviously is not proud of this decision that he was apart of because he attempts to push the blame onto somebody else by saying that he was "informed". On a radio broadcast, president Harry Truman

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