
Attack Incidents On A Firm

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Terrorism Experience is an independent variable representing the depth of proficiency, knowledge, best practices and insights that corporations, who were directly impacted by a specific terrorist incident, acquire from coping with the effects of terrorism. The Terrorism Experience is measured in terms of the cumulative number of terrorism incidents that directly affected the firm. The number of attack incidents on a firm is a Traditional type of terrorism measurement as categorized by Frey et al. (2007) in Table 2. The data source for measuring the Terrorism Experience independent variable is the counts of the Event Identification Number, representing the year, month and day of the terrorist incident from GTD (2015), as shown in Table 3.

The Experience in Risky Countries independent variable is the experiential learning, understanding and practices acquired from operating in risky countries where the discontinuous risk of jolts, disruptions sudden shocks to natural and unnatural catastrophes and violent conflicts such as terrorist attacks (Oetzel & Oh, 2013) is high. While the Terrorism Experience independent variable accounts for depth of experience acquired by the firm directly affected by terrorism, the Experience in Risky Countries independent variable captures the breadth of experience acquired from both direct and indirect exposure to terrorism as well as other types of violent conflicts, dangers, hazardous and discontinuous risks. As previously mentioned, a risky

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