
Atticus Finch

Decent Essays

The character Atticus Finch from the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” has many traits that are deemed admirable by others. People describe him as selfless, kind, sympathetic and unwavering in his beliefs. He is seen as an unmistakably great role model and person throughout the entire book. Their rare many people throughout history and in this world that have shown that they embody the same characteristics as Atticus. Dr. Zaher Sahloul is one of those people. He has many of the same characteristics as Atticus, some being empathy and selflessness. The first reason is that he gives up tons of time to help the refugees in Syria. It takes great amounts of time and effort to help people from very far away. You have to be diligent and unwavering …show more content…

Helping people in Syria may help lives, but it also puts your own in great danger according to several articles. Dr. Zaher Sahloul "has visited Aleppo five times since the war began" (Gonzalez). He puts his life, and others, at risk in order to help people who can't help themselves. In one interview Dr. Zaher Sahloul speaks of 'barrel bombs' that are dropped in Syria, "Barrel bombs are an invention of the Syrian regime. Big barrels stuffed with TNT, half a ton of TNT and shrapnels, metal shrapnel" (Gonzalez). He then goes on saying, "And they're thrown from helicopters on urban areas, on hospitals, on blocks, on civilian neighborhoods, on fruit markets, on schools" (Gonzalez). So many people have been injured by these bombs. One mother lost her four children in just one of these 'barrel bombs', one of her children were yet to be born. Because of these bombs and plenty of other risks, "people no longer trust offers of peace" (“A Chicago Doctor”). This makes it significantly harder to help supply the hospitals with supplies as "supply routes are at risk" (Spencer). Not only are the supply routes at risk but so are the hospitals filled with people. The place that Dr. Zaher Sahloul goes to is "in rebel-held Syria, the most bombed patch of territory in the world, where hospitals and doctors clinics are specifically targeted for attack" (Spencer). In this place and other places in Syria there are several

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