
Atticus Finch Research Paper

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The Power in Respect What shows respect, and how is respect earned? In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents the idea respect is represented by being a moral person, and expressing that virtue with all groups that one encounters even if one has to break the mold and deny the popular belief. Social justice requires respect because when displaying respect and morals with everyone, one can not play part in discrimination. The character of Atticus Finch demonstrates respect by defending the victimized African American community, accepting those of a lesser social economic status, and presenting himself in a gentlemanly way whenever in the presence of a women. Though most people of his time play a part in the discrimination of blacks, Atticus …show more content…

Atticus defies this mistreatment because he sees those with less than he with the same respect he would anyone with wih more. He does not pretend to be polite to them simply because they have less; Atticus is real with them just as he is anyone else. When Walter Cunningham, a school mate of scout’s boy with a large family and little money, visited Atticus for dinner after school one day, Atticus greeted him and indulged in conversation with him. “While Walter piled food on his plate, he and Atticus talked together like two men, to the wonderment of Jem and me. (Lee 32).” Atticus does not care about the boy’s economic state. He knows that he is a overall great kid and that he has been through much. He understands that Walter works outside and starts a conversation about this so that walter would be comfortable. Atticus does not only respect the children in a lesser social class. ““My special knowledge of the Cunningham tribe— one branch, that is— was gained from events of last winter. Walter's father was one of Atticus's clients. After a dreary conversation in our livingroom one night about his entailment, before Mr. Cunningham left he said, "Mr. Finch, I don't know when I'll ever be able to pay you." "Let that be the least of your worries, Walter," Atticus said. When I asked Jem what entailment was, and Jem described it as a condition of having your tail in a crack, I asked Atticus if Mr.

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