One day not too long ago, Audi King was on a business trip in northern Wisconsin. Audi is a curious and adventurous man full of vigor for the unexpected. While in Wisconsin he made a stop at a local farm to sell the farmer his company’s product, Agra King, a silage preservative. While driving to the farm he noticed several old tractor trailers that looked abandoned, scattered across a vast field.
Before leaving the farm, he asked the farmer what the trailers were used for. The farmer told him that the trailers belonged to a hippy who made fireworks. They were scattered across the field because if one caught fire they wouldn’t all blow up. Audi thought that it would be nice to have some fireworks, since fireworks of this size were illegal
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After a few seconds the first fuse lit. Just before the package lit he glanced up at the work bench and saw the mass chaos that was unfolding before him. Without thinking Audi dropped the grinder and quickly ducked behind his lawn tractor. That was when it happened. Like a bomb, a nuke, a grenade the exposition rocked the entire garage, causing the grinder, once laying on the workbench, to catapult through the air towards the door, and towards Audi. He caught the airborne tool with such force it threw him to the ground. Just when he thought that was it, the second package went off, filling the garage with a loud rumbling, and a light brighter than the sun. This explosion blew out the windows. This chain of events continued with a third and final explosion Causing his ear drums to pop, and his lungs to fill with the aroma of freshly lit gunpowder, Audi was left gasping for air. After this series of events took place he stood up, scratched his head, and started laughing. At that moment his wife Judy came bursting through the door, looking like she had just seen a ghost. Audi quickly told her that he was alright and that he wouldn’t be buying anymore fireworks. He quickly cleaned up the mess that his mistake had created. Then he finished his job of sharpening the blades and mowing the yard. Life for Audi has been ordinary ever
The Pitchfork Ranch is one of the most historic ranches in west Texas. The Pitchfork Ranch has been owned by the same family for more than a century. On December 13, 1883 the Pitchfork Ranch was bought with 52,500 acres of land in west Texas. It was started with 9,750 head of cattle. It’s the only ranch in west Texas that didn’t have to downsize during the Great Depression. Today the Pitchfork Ranch is spread over 162,000 acres in west Texas. It spreads over Dickens and King Counties (Nordyke). This paper will discuss various topics about the Pitchfork Ranch, from the history of it to how they work their horses, cattle, and everyday maintaining the ranch. The Pitchfork Ranch has many different kinds of income. Its main income comes from cattle, but they also have mineral rights to the land and they just recently started drilling oil. They also have 500 acres of farmland which they sale some of the crops but they mainly use it to feed the cattle crop every year. They also have a feedlot at the ranch headquarters. The feedlot is a necessity because they have over 5,000 head of calves every year, and it’s a lot more economical to feed them out on the ranch, instead of selling them for a lower price whenever they’re younger (Ranch). The Pitchfork has been in operation over one hundred years, and it has only been through seven ranch managers. The current ranch manager is Bob Moorehouse, he has been the manager since 1987. “I love this way of life, there is
Not only does the land suffer from a break in the sacred connection between farmer and crops, the men lose a part of their humanity to the machine. Those "men" who run the tractors are described in the novel as being "part of the monster (Steinbeck, 48)." They have given their humanity to the company in return for money to buy food that was produced by machines, not by men. Chapter eleven describes the slow degrading of the spirits of the tractor men and the migrants who no longer know the land. The slow deterioration of the houses, with no people to care for and be sheltered by them, is symbolic of the death of the land and the people when they are not connected. (Steinbeck 158-159)
A sense of regulation is felt through the choice of words and the approach they are presented in. Dawe’s writing has an air of specificity, using such phrases as “there will be” and “we will” leaving no room for misinterpretation and making it clear to readers that this is the “future”. It is clearly outlined that through the evolution of cars, many small but significant things have been sacrificed including the “sounds of acceleration instead of birdsong”, “no trees/ unless as exotica” and any form of neighbourhood qualities for example “no more streets begging hopscotch squares”. Dawe is showing how in his predicted future, any sense of natural beauty is trumped by society’s overwhelming need for commercial and overly eccentric goods.
The children yelled "We've had an ACCIDENT!" and the reader is not sure what will happen next. Shortly after the accident, when the "big black battered hearse-like automobile" pulls up to assist the family and the grandmother recognizes one of the occupants as the Misfit, the tone
Containing a history tracing back to 1896, the Fischer Farm also got purchased by Ben Fischer. With the average family only earning a total income of $300-$400 during the year of 1903 (Vonderheide 1), Ben took his share of only $47 for the wagon (Wagon 1), which remained in the family barn from 1903 until they decided to remove the barn in 2011. During the year of 2011, a spring tornado came through, demolishing both the grainery and the barn containing the wagon. This caused them to have to dissect the wagon out of the destroyed barn in order for Kurt Vonderheide, a family friend of the Fischers, to gain access. After numerous years, the farm got passed down through the family to Ben’s grandson, Dave Fischer. Not having much use for the wagon anymore, Dave resolved to giving the wagon to Kurt after Kurt expressed an interest in restoring it. Kurt’s pursuit for restoring the wagon enhanced after gathering more information on it. Receiving the wagon in 2011, Kurt’s restoration task commenced. With a complete transformation from top to bottom, the entire process took a total of six months and 210 hours. (Vonderheide 1) Aside from the major details, several minute technicalities enhanced the original look of the wagon. One of these included Kurt painting the wagon by hand to help preserve the authenticity. Furthermore, the original “Wagner” decals, given to Kurt by Sonny, got added onto the wagon. (Vonderheide
Berry’s mention of the farmer and an understanding of his farm is a constant theme in this essay. Agriculture, a distribution of products born from the earth and its entrance into our bodies as nourishment, describes an interdependence. The development of highways, industry, and daily routine of work and obligation, has caused a romanticization of wilderness. High mountain tops and deep forests are sold as “scenic.” Berry reminds the reader that wilderness had once bred communities and civilization, and that by direct use of the land, we are taught to respect and surrender to it. But by invention of skyscrapers, airplanes, we are able to sit higher than these mountain tops and this is his first representation of disconnect from Creation. Mechanical invention leads one to parallel themselves with godliness, magnifying self worth and a sense of significance. What is misunderstood is that through this magnification, because there is no control or limit, we “raise higher the cloud of megadeath.” Our significance is not proved by the weight of our material wealth, rather
One officer rushed over the the car that was dramatically hanging off the bridge. The thick black smoke from the burning car made it hard to see. Beyond the black smoke was the smell of iron from the extreme amount of blood from the driver. Firefighters broke the back window of the hanging car to get the bloodied driver out. Meanwhile other officers and firefighters were working on the car the violently flipped off the overpass. Car was engulfed in flames. The inferno could almost burn people by looking at it. Firefighters frantically pulled both occupants out of the car before they suffered from any major burns. Firefighters began a severe battle with the fire. Hundreds of gallons of water were blasted out of the fire hoses, making a misty show that left the roads flooded. Once the dust settled and both fires were under control, road workers began to gather the twisted pieces of metal that were scattered all over the
Larry Niven, an ASU grad student, was walking south on Mill Avenue about to cross on University Drive when “the two cars fired passed” him. He continues, “If I had stepped off the curb, I’d be dead now.” Witnessing the damage the Prius undertook, he said “it just blew apart.”
The Locomobile with the 2 men and dog occupants moves toward the vicinity of explosion. When they reach it they see people milling about. The fire trucks, police and cars are parked haphazardly about the street. (Reed, 49)
A recorded account but an individual by the name of Rajah provides insight into what happened the day of the explosion. According to Rajah:
The explosion creates a visible jagged hole and we escape getting as many through as possible. After it seals the hole we count how many we have. We have 30 people wailing, shouting, screaming stuff like my baby's still in there all sorts. When the word gets to lord loss that we have escaped he's raging all curses he can think of. We turn away help most win over their fears. We all try to obtain normality in life once
Police report that the explosion happened in the postmistress’ bedroom after her uncle threw firecrackers in there. According to the postmistress, her uncle became angry often, and was prone to violent outbursts.
A: “Investigators say that this was definitely not accidental. Reports have been made that there were two set timers of what looks like to be hand held explosive missiles taped underneath.”
Imagine living in a confined two-feet-wide gestation crate, unable to move, standing on concrete floors waiting to be fed, day after day until it is time to be taken to the slaughterhouse, and become a menu option to accompany someone’s sunny side up eggs at an American diner. A photograph taken inside an industrial animal factory emerged on the internet exposing the factory’s standard and inhumane practice in the United States. Rows and rows of hundreds of pigs in single crates can be seen in a dimly lit football field sized shed, unable to roam freely across pastures while feeling the warmth of the sun. The photograph exposes the reality of how harmfully animals are being raised and killed for food as though they are unfeeling machines. Old MacDonald had a farm until the agricultural business, also known as agribusiness, evolved and started building larger and new mega factories imprisoning animals until they are shepherded into trucks on their way to being murdered. Animals can love, animals can think, animals can dream, and animals can surely feel pain. There is a quiet holocaust taking place in the animal kingdom, and there is so much that has to be done, but there is hope.
The Company in new terrain is bound to have close netted connections with local communities either for CSR activities or to hire the appropriate employees. Many a processes in the organizations are outsourced. Audi also plays a vital role in providing the education, employment for the community.