
Audrey Smiley's Descriptive Essay

Decent Essays

" Wahh, cold..." A crescent moon shone through some thin clouds with the dim lights of the stars gleam as the little Harpy takes a dip in the lake. True, Audrey knows that regular "modern" monsters rarely swim in lakes or fountains any more, however, she can't help herself.Her instincts just take over.

The lake's chilling waters and the night skies remind her of home. I wish I can see the stars as clearly at home... With a deep breath, she flips into the water, diving into the dark waters. Audrey's eyes are pretty sharp so the lake water is a clear as glass

After a few moments, she swishes out of the water brisk-fully with her feet holding two small fish. Audrey flaps and drops the two fish into a small bucket. She then turns back round

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