
August Wilson Fences Research Paper

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Fences are used to keep people in. However, it’s not that simple in the play by August Wilson Fences. There is symbolism of fences in two main characters from the play, Troy and Rose. The character from Fences, Troy Maxson, builds a fence, this symbolizes himself. He is the fence that keeps all of the characters together. This is shown in the novel where he is the one person keeping all the other characters together “inside” the fence. When Troy falls apart, all of the characters go their separate way. When Troy cheats on Rose, this is when he himself falls apart as a fence. “From now… This child got a mother. But you a womanless man.” (wilson 79) This shows when Rose leaves Troy after he cheats on her and crumbles apart as the “fence” holding everyone together. Another example of this is when it is discovered that Bono stopped being Troy’s friend soon after the incident with Rose. “You aint stopped by in a month of Sundays” (Wilson 82). This is where Troy talks to Bono about him not coming to visit. This shows the symbolism of Troy as a fence keeping everyone together, but he …show more content…

Rose wants everyone dear to her to stay close. She doesn’t want her family to go away and holds them very dearly. This is seen when Bono speaks to Troy about Rose, “Rose wants to hold onto you all. She loves you.” (Wilson 61) This shows Rose’s intentions of wanting to hold onto everything dear to her. The fence has the ability to keep people inside the fence. This is symbolizing that Rose wants everyone to stay “inside” the fence, close to her. Furthermore, this is seen again when Rose smacks cory across the face because he says he is not going to Troy’s funeral ( Wilson 96). This shows how she wants the family together one last time because Cory was kicked out of the house by Troy. Clearly, this means that Rose’s “fence” is that of she wants to keep everyone close and “fenced in”, dead or

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