
Austin's Case Summary

Decent Essays

This counselor received a call from Austin's job developer Kathy with New Horizon's. She stated that Austin was hired by Marshall's on Friday and was supposed to start orientation on Saturday. Kathy stated that over the weekend she received a voicemail from Austin stating he didn't take the Marshall's job because it’s too far and his parents can’t get him there and back. She then stated that she spoke with him this morning and he stated that he didn’t go to orientation nor did he call the employer to tell them he wasn’t going and the reason why. Kathy stated she explained to him how this doesn't look good and suggested that he call and apologize. Austin stated he would. He then proceeded to tell Kathy that Kroger called him and will call him …show more content…

She stated " we didn't tell him not to take the job because we couldn't drive him we told him that he would have to find alternative transportation just in case we couldn't one day." Cherie then proceeded to tell this counselor that Austin has been lying a lot." She stated that he has been making up excuses to his job developer, this counselor, and his teacher. Cherie stated that she believes based off of conversations with Austin that he doesn't want to work. She stated at one time he stated " I feel like I'm being forced to work." She then stated they have mentioned public transportation and Uber before and he refused. Cherie said that she wonder's if he is sabotaging the situation. This counselor expressed her concern with this and Cherie stated she understood. She did confirm that Austin heard from Kroger, but wasn't sure if he actually had an interview. This counselor informed Cherie that she would have Kathy form New Horizon's follow-up with Kroger to see. This counselor explained that she would follow-back up with her when more information is know. She also stated that if there was nothing with Kroger that a team meeting would need to be held to discuss these concerns and how to proceed. Cherie

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